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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing D, 4E and 2N

ANTECEDENCESantecedences n. Plural of antecedence.
ANTECEDENCE n. the state of being antecedent.
CENTEREDNESScenteredness n. The state of being centered.
centeredness n. (In combination) The state of being centered on the thing specified.
CENTEREDNESS n. the state of being centered, also CENTREDNESS.
CODEPENDENCEcodependence n. The state of being co-dependent.
co-dependence n. The state of being co-dependent.
CODEPENDENCE n. joint dependence of two or more entities, esp. factors or mathematical objects, on each other, also CODEPENDENCY.
DECENTNESSESDECENTNESS n. the state of being decent.
DEMENTEDNESSdementedness n. The quality of being demented.
DEMENTEDNESS n. the state of being demented.
DEPENDENCIESdependencies n. Plural of dependency.
DEPENDENCY n. the state of being dependent, also DEPENDANCE, DEPENDANCY, DEPENDENCE.
ENGENDERMENTengenderment n. The process of engendering, or giving rise to, something.
ENGENDERMENT n. the act of engendering.
ENREGIMENTEDenregimented v. Simple past tense and past participle of enregiment.
ENREGIMENT v. to form into a regiment.
ENUREDNESSESENUREDNESS n. the state of being enured.
EXTENDEDNESSextendedness n. The condition of being extended; extension.
EXTENDEDNESS n. the state of being extended.
INDEPENDENCEindependence n. The quality or state of being independent; lack of dependence; the state of not being reliant on, or…
independence n. The state of having sufficient means for a comfortable livelihood.
Independence prop.n. A city in Missouri, United States and one of the two county seats of Jackson County.
INEXPEDIENCEinexpedience n. The quality or state of being inexpedient; unsuitableness or impropriety.
INEXPEDIENCE n. the state of being inexpedient, also INEXPEDIENCY.
LEADENNESSESLEADENNESS n. the state of being leaden.
NEEDLESSNESSneedlessness n. The state or characteristic of being needless.
NEEDLESSNESS n. the state of being needless.
PRESENTENCEDPRESENTENCE v. to sentence in advance.
REENGINEEREDreengineered v. Simple past tense and past participle of reengineer.
re-engineered v. Simple past tense and past participle of re-engineer.
REENGINEER v. to engineer again.
RESPLENDENCEresplendence n. The property of being, or that which causes something to be, resplendent.
RESPLENDENCE n. the state of being resplendent, also RESPLENDENCY.
TENDERNESSEStendernesses n. Plural of tenderness.
TENDERNESS n. the state of being tender.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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