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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 10 twelve-letter words containing 2D, 3I, N and O

DIGLADIATIONdigladiation n. (Obsolete) Act of digladiating; violent dispute or combat.
DIGLADIATION n. a fight, a dispute.
DIJUDICATIONdijudication n. The act of dijudicating; judgement.
DIJUDICATION n. a judgment.
DILAPIDATIONdilapidation n. The state of being dilapidated, reduced to decay, partially ruined.
dilapidation n. (Law) The act of dilapidating, damaging a building or structure through neglect or intentionally.
dilapidation n. (Britain, law) Ecclesiastical waste: impairing of church property by an incumbent, through neglect or intentionally.
DILUCIDATIONdilucidation n. (Obsolete) The act of making clear; clarification.
DILUCIDATION n. the act of dilucidating.
DIMIDIATIONSdimidiations n. Plural of dimidiation.
DIMIDIATION n. division into two halves, as of a heraldic shield.
DIPRIONIDIANdiprionidian adj. (Paleontology, of a graptolite) Having a polyparium with a row of cells on each side.
DIPRIONIDIAN adj. of graptolites, serrated on both sides.
DISPROVIDINGdisproviding v. Present participle of disprovide.
DISPROVIDE v. (archaic) to fail to provide.
IDOXURIDINESIDOXURIDINE n. a drug containing iodine used to treat viral infections of the eye.
INDIVIDUATORindividuator n. One who, or that which, individuates.
INDIVIDUATOR n. one who individuates.
RADIOIODINESradioiodines n. Plural of radioiodine.
RADIOIODINE n. a radioisotope of iodine with medical uses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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