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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing 2D, E, 3I and T

ADDITIVITIESadditivities n. Plural of additivity.
ADDITIVITY n. the quality of being additive.
DECIDABILITYdecidability n. (Logic, computer science) The state or condition of being decidable.
DECIDABILITY n. the quality of being decidable.
DEDUCIBILITYdeducibility n. The condition of being deducible.
DEDUCIBILITY n. the quality of being deducible.
DIGITIGRADESdigitigrades n. Plural of digitigrade.
DIGITIGRADE n. an animal that walks on the toes alone.
DISCREDITINGdiscrediting v. Present participle of discredit.
discrediting n. The act by which something is discredited.
DISCREDIT v. to refuse to believe in.
DISINHERITEDdisinherited v. Simple past tense and past participle of disinherit.
DISINHERIT v. to deprive of an inheritance, also DISHERIT.
DISINHIBITEDdisinhibited v. Simple past tense and past participle of disinhibit.
DISINHIBIT v. to remove restraints on (used esp. of drugs affecting behaviour).
DISPIRITEDLYdispiritedly adv. In a dispirited manner.
DISPIRITED adv. DISPIRIT, to lower in spirits.
DISSATISFIEDdissatisfied adj. Feeling or displaying disappointment or a lack of contentment.
dissatisfied adj. Not satisfied (e.g. with the quality of something).
dissatisfied v. Simple past tense and past participle of dissatisfy.
DISSIMILATEDdissimilated v. Simple past tense and past participle of dissimilate.
DISSIMILATE v. to undergo dissimilation.
DOMICILIATEDdomiciliated v. Simple past tense and past participle of domiciliate.
DOMICILIATE v. to establish in a permanent residence.
EPIDIDYMITISepididymitis n. (Pathology) inflammation of the epididymis.
EPIDIDYMITIS n. inflammation of an epididymis.
INDIVIDUATEDindividuated v. Simple past tense and past participle of individuate.
INDIVIDUATE v. to give individuality to.
INDIVIDUATESindividuates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of individuate.
INDIVIDUATE v. to give individuality to.
QUIDDITATIVEquidditative adj. Alternative form of quiddative.
QUIDDITATIVE adj. of the nature of a quiddity, trifling.
REIDENTIFIEDreidentified v. Simple past tense and past participle of reidentify.
REIDENTIFY v. to identify again.
TENDINITIDEStendinitides n. Plural of tendinitis.
TENDINITIS n. inflammation of a tendon, also TENDONITIS.
TRIETHIODIDEtriethiodide n. (Organic chemistry) Any compound containing three ethiodide groups.
triethiodide n. (Organic chemistry) Any compound containing three ethylammonium iodide groups.
TRIETHIODIDE n. as in gallamine triethiodide, a neuromuscular blocking agent used in anaesthesia.
UNIDENTIFIEDunidentified adj. Not identified; having an unknown or unnamed identity.
UNIDENTIFIED adj. not identified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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