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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing D, 2R, 2S, T and U

CROPDUSTERScropdusters n. Plural of cropduster.
CROPDUSTER n. an aircraft that sprays crops from the air.
DESTRUCTORSdestructors n. Plural of destructor.
DESTRUCTOR n. a destroyer.
DISTRUSTERSdistrusters n. Plural of distruster.
DISTRUSTER n. one who distrusts.
DOORBUSTERSdoorbusters n. Plural of doorbuster.
READJUSTERSreadjusters n. Plural of readjuster.
READJUSTER n. one who readjusts.
RUDDERPOSTSrudderposts n. Plural of rudderpost.
RUDDERPOST n. the shank of a rudder, having the blade at one end and the attachments for operating it at the other.
SCORDATURASSCORDATURA n. (Italian) a temporary departure from the normal tuning of a stringed instrument.
TRANSDUCERStransducers n. Plural of transducer.
TRANSDUCER n. an electronic device transmitting received energy in a different form.
UNDERCRESTSundercrests v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of undercrest.
UNDERCREST v. (Shakespeare) to bear like a crest.
UNDERSHIRTSundershirts n. Plural of undershirt.
UNDERSHIRT n. an undergarment worn under a shirt.
UNDERSHORTSundershorts n. (Dated) Underpants, type of underwear worn in skin contact with the hip portion of the body, small enough…
UNDERSHORTS n. underpants for men or boys.
UNDERSKIRTSunderskirts n. Plural of underskirt.
UNDERSKIRT n. a petticoat.
UNDERSTEERSundersteers n. Plural of understeer.
understeers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of understeer.
UNDERSTEER v. to turn less sharply than the driver intends.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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