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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing D, N, O, P, 2R and T

ARTHROPODANarthropodan adj. (Zoology) Of, or relating to, arthropods.
arthropodan n. (Zoology) An arthropod.
ARTHROPODAN adj. of or like an arthropod, also ARTHROPODAL, ARTHROPODOUS.
COPARTNEREDcopartnered v. Simple past tense and past participle of copartner.
COPARTNER v. to act as a copartner.
INCORRUPTEDincorrupted adj. Archaic form of uncorrupted.
INCORRUPTED adj. not corrupted.
OVERPRINTEDoverprinted v. Simple past tense and past participle of overprint.
OVERPRINT v. to print over something already printed.
PERDURATIONperduration n. (Archaic) long continuance.
PERDURATION n. lastingness, endurance, also PERDURANCE.
PROTANDRIESPROTANDRY n. the development of male organs before female to avoid self-fertilization.
PROTANDROUSprotandrous adj. (Biology) Exhibiting protandry.
protandrous adj. (Botany) Whose male parts (anthers) becomes mature before the female ones (stigma).
protandrous adj. (Botany) Whose male parts (antheridia) release their spermatozoids before the female parts (archegonia) mature.
PROTERANDRYproterandry n. (Botany) The condition of being proterandrous.
PROTERANDRY n. in a hermaphrodite organism, the maturation and loss of the male elements before the female elements develop.
TRANSPONDERtransponder n. A radar or radio transceiver that transmits some signal in response to receiving a predetermined signal.
TRANSPONDER n. a type of radio or radar transmitter-receiver that transmits signals automatically when it receives predetermined signals, also TRANSPONDOR.
TRANSPONDORtranspondor n. Dated form of transponder.
TRANSPONDOR n. a type of radio or radar transmitter-receiver that transmits signals automatically when it receives predetermined signals, also TRANSPONDER.
TRANSPORTEDtransported v. Simple past tense and past participle of transport.
transported adj. Subjected to transportation.
TRANSPORT v. to convey.
UNCORRUPTEDuncorrupted adj. Not corrupted; pure, whole.
UNCORRUPTED adj. not corrupted.
UNDERREPORTunderreport v. To report a number falsely, making it smaller than it ought to be, especially to do so intentionally.
underreport v. As a group, to report something less frequently than it actually occurs.
UNDERREPORT v. to report inadequately.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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