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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing D, L, 2O, 2R and S

BOARDSAILORboardsailor n. Windsurfer.
BOARDSAILOR n. one who practises sailboarding.
COLORBREEDScolorbreeds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of colorbreed.
COLORBREED v. to breed plants or animals selectively for the production of new varieties having a specific color or shade, also COLOURBREED.
DECOLORISERdecoloriser n. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of decolorizer.
DECOLORISER n. an agent that decolorises, also DECOLORIZER.
DORSOLUMBARdorsolumbar adj. (Anatomy) dorsal and lumbar.
DORSOLUMBAR adj. of or relating to the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae, or the area of the body that they occupy.
EURODOLLARSeurodollars n. Plural of eurodollar.
Eurodollars n. Plural of Eurodollar.
EURODOLLAR n. a United States dollar as part of a European holding.
FLOORBOARDSfloorboards n. Plural of floorboard.
FLOORBOARD n. a board in a floor.
FLOORDROBESfloordrobes n. Plural of floordrobe.
FLOORDROBE n. a pile of clothes left on the floor of a room.
HYDROCORALShydrocorals n. Plural of hydrocoral.
HYDROCORAL n. any hydrozoan coelenterate of an order which includes the millepores.
MICROWORLDSmicroworlds n. Plural of microworld.
MICROWORLD n. a discrete area within a computer database.
OTHERWORLDSotherworlds n. Plural of otherworld.
Otherworlds n. Plural of Otherworld.
OTHERWORLD n. a world beyond death or beyond present reality.
ROADROLLERSroad␣rollers n. Plural of road roller.
ROADROLLER n. a motor vehicle with heavy rollers for compressing road surfaces during roadmaking.
SORORICIDALsororicidal adj. Of or pertaining to sororicide, the killing of one’s sister.
SORORICIDAL adj. relating to sororicide, the killing of one's own sister.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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