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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing D, L, M, 2O, R and S

BLOODSTREAMbloodstream n. The flow of blood through the circulatory system of an animal.
blood␣stream n. Alternative form of bloodstream.
BLOODSTREAM n. the flowing blood in a circulatory system.
COROMANDELScoromandels n. Plural of coromandel.
COROMANDEL n. a kind of timber, aka calamander.
DICOUMAROLSdicoumarols n. Plural of dicoumarol.
DICOUMAROL n. a crystalline compound obtained from sweet clover hay, also DICOUMARIN, DICUMAROL.
DORSOLUMBARdorsolumbar adj. (Anatomy) dorsal and lumbar.
DORSOLUMBAR adj. of or relating to the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae, or the area of the body that they occupy.
HARMOLODICSharmolodics n. (Music) A form of improvized jazz associated with Ornette Coleman.
HARMOLODICS n. a technique in jazz.
HOLOHEDRISMholohedrism n. The property of being holohedral.
HOLOHEDRISM n. the property of having the full number of symmetrically arranged planes crystallographically possible.
LOXODROMICSloxodromics n. The art or method of sailing on the loxodrome.
LOXODROMICS n. the art of sailing along rhumb-lines.
LOXODROMIESloxodromies n. Plural of loxodromy.
LOXODROMY n. the art of sailing along rhumb-lines.
MARBLEWOODSMARBLEWOOD n. a Malaysian tree; the distinctively marked wood of this tree, having black bands on a lighter background.
MICROWORLDSmicroworlds n. Plural of microworld.
MICROWORLD n. a discrete area within a computer database.
MISCOLOUREDmiscoloured v. Simple past tense and past participle of miscolour.
miscoloured adj. Incorrectly coloured.
MISCOLOUR v. to give a wrong color to; (figurative) to set forth erroneously or unfairly; as, to miscolour facts, also MISCOLOR.
MOTHERLODESmotherlodes n. Plural of motherlode.
mother-lodes n. Plural of mother-lode.
mother␣lodes n. Plural of mother lode.
MOULDBOARDSmouldboards n. Plural of mouldboard.
MOULDBOARD n. a curved plate of iron (originally of wood) back of the share of a plow, which turns over the earth in plowing, also MOLDBOARD.
OSTEODERMALosteodermal adj. Relating to osteoderms.
REBLOSSOMEDreblossomed v. Simple past tense and past participle of reblossom.
REBLOSSOM v. to blossom again.
SADDLEROOMSSADDLEROOM n. a room where saddles and harness are kept.
TREMOLANDOStremolandos n. Plural of tremolando.
TREMOLANDO n. (Italian) a vibrating, quavering musical effect.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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