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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing D, 2L, N, O, S and U

BOUNDLESSLYboundlessly adv. In a boundless manner.
BOUNDLESS adv. having no limits.
CALMODULINScalmodulins n. Plural of calmodulin.
CALMODULIN n. a protein found in plant and animal cells.
DISILLUSIONdisillusion v. (Transitive) To free or deprive of illusion; to disenchant.
disillusion n. (Countable) The act or process of disenchanting or freeing from a false belief.
disillusion n. (Uncountable) The state of having been or process of becoming freed of false belief.
DOLEFULNESSdolefulness n. The characteristic of being doleful; sadness.
DOLEFULNESS n. the state of being doleful.
EGLANDULOSEeglandulose adj. Without glands.
EGLANDULOSE adj. having no glands, also EGLANDULAR.
GROUNDSELLSgroundsells n. Plural of groundsell.
GROUNDSELL n. the lowest timber of a structure, also GROUNDSEL, GROUNDSILL.
GROUNDSILLSgroundsills n. Plural of groundsill.
GROUNDSILL n. the lowest timber of a structure, also GROUNDSEL, GROUNDSELL.
GROUNDSWELLgroundswell n. (Nautical, surfing) A broad undulation of the open ocean, often as the result of a distant disturbance.
groundswell n. (By extension) A broadly-based shifting of public opinion.
ground␣swell n. Alternative form of groundswell.
PENDULOUSLYpendulously adv. In a pendulous manner.
PENDULOUS adv. hanging loosely; swinging freely.
PLOUGHLANDSploughlands n. Plural of ploughland.
PLOUGHLAND n. land under the plough, also PLOWLAND.
SCOUNDRELLYscoundrelly adj. Like or befitting a scoundrel.
SCOUNDRELLY adj. like a scoundrel.
SOUNDLESSLYsoundlessly adv. In a manner that makes no noise.
SOUNDLESS adv. without sound.
UNCALLOUSEDuncalloused adj. Not calloused.
uncalloused adj. (Figurative) Unaccustomed to work.
UNCALLOUSED adj. not calloused.
UNLOCALISEDunlocalised adj. Alternative form of unlocalized.
UNLOCALISED adj. not localised, also UNLOCALIZED.
UNSOLDIERLYunsoldierly adj. Not soldierly, not appropriate for a soldier.
unsoldierly adv. In a manner that is not appropriate for a soldier.
UNSOLDIERLY adj. not soldierly.
UNSWALLOWEDunswallowed adj. Not swallowed.
UNSWALLOWED adj. not swallowed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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