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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing D, I, 3O, S and T

CORDOTOMIEScordotomies n. Plural of cordotomy.
CORDOTOMY n. the surgical division of a bundle of nerve fibres in the spinal cord, also CHORDOTOMY.
DICHOTOMOUSdichotomous adj. Dividing or branching into two pieces.
DICHOTOMOUS adj. forking into two equal branches.
DIPROTODONSdiprotodons n. Plural of diprotodon.
DIPROTODON n. any marsupial of the Diprotodontia, that includes kangaroos, wombats, etc., also DIPROTODONT.
LITHODOMOUSlithodomous adj. (Zoology) Like, or relating to, Lithodomus; lithophagous.
LITHODOMOUS adj. living in burrows in rocks.
LOBOTOMISEDlobotomised adj. Alternative spelling of lobotomized.
LOBOTOMISE v. to carry out a lobotomy, also LOBOTOMIZE.
MONOTONISEDMONOTONISE v. to make into a monotone, also MONOTONIZE.
NATIONHOODSnationhoods n. Plural of nationhood.
NATIONHOOD n. the state of being a nation.
NOTODONTIDSnotodontids n. Plural of notodontid.
NOTODONTID n. a member of the Notodontidae genus of moths.
OCTODECIMOSoctodecimos n. Plural of octodecimo.
OCTODECIMO n. a book with sheets so folded.
ODONTOLITESodontolites n. Plural of odontolite.
ODONTOLITE n. a fossil bone or tooth coloured blue with phosphate of iron, aka bone-turquoise.
ORNITHOPODSornithopods n. Plural of ornithopod.
ORNITHOPOD n. a member of a suborder of bipedal ornithischian (bird-hipped) dinosaurs.
ORTHODOXIESorthodoxies n. Plural of orthodoxy.
ORTHODOXY n. the state of being orthodox.
OUTDOORSIERoutdoorsier adj. Comparative form of outdoorsy: more outdoorsy.
OUTDOORSY adj. (colloq.) of an outdoors inclination.
PHOTODIODESphotodiodes n. Plural of photodiode.
PHOTODIODE n. a two-electrode semiconductor device.
PODOLOGISTSpodologists n. Plural of podologist.
PODOLOGIST n. one who practises podology, the study of the feet.
RADIOPHOTOSradiophotos n. Plural of radiophoto.
RADIOPHOTO n. a picture transmitted by radio.
VOODOOISTICvoodooistic adj. Relating to voodooism.
VOODOOISTIC adj. relating to voodoo.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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