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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing D, I, L, M, O, R and U

CLOSTRIDIUMclostridium n. Any of several mostly anaerobic gram-positive bacteria, of the genus Clostridium, that are present in…
Clostridium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Clostridiaceae – the clostridium bacteria.
CLOSTRIDIUM n. any of a genus of spore-forming mostly anaerobic soil or intestinal bacteria.
DICOUMAROLSdicoumarols n. Plural of dicoumarol.
DICOUMAROL n. a crystalline compound obtained from sweet clover hay, also DICOUMARIN, DICUMAROL.
GLAMOURISEDglamourised v. Simple past tense and past participle of glamourise.
GLAMOURIZEDglamourized v. Simple past tense and past participle of glamourize.
LEUCODERMIALEUCODERMIA n. a condition in which white patches, surrounded by a pigmented area, appear on the skin, also LEUCODERMA, LEUKODERMA.
LEUCODERMICleucodermic adj. White-skinned, Caucasian; pale.
LEUCODERMIC adj. relating to leucoderma, a condition in which white patches, surrounded by a pigmented area, appear on the skin, also LEUCODERMAL, LEUKODERMAL.
LEUKODERMICLEUKODERMIC adj. relating to leukoderma, a condition in which white patches, surrounded by a pigmented area, appear on the skin, also LEUCODERMIC.
MAQUILADORAmaquiladora n. An assembly plant in Mexico owned by a company from the United States or another foreign country, using…
MAQUILADORA n. (Spanish) a manufacturing plant in Mexico that produce parts for assembly in the United States, also MAQUILA.
MISCOLOUREDmiscoloured v. Simple past tense and past participle of miscolour.
miscoloured adj. Incorrectly coloured.
MISCOLOUR v. to give a wrong color to; (figurative) to set forth erroneously or unfairly; as, to miscolour facts, also MISCOLOR.
MISLABOUREDmislaboured v. Simple past tense and past participle of mislabour.
MISLABOUR v. to labour wrongly, also MISLABOR.
MODULARISEDmodularised v. Simple past tense and past participle of modularise.
modularised adj. (British spelling) Alternative form of modularized.
MODULARISED adj. containing or consisting of modules, also MODULARIZED.
MODULARIZEDmodularized adj. Having or made up of modules.
modularized v. Simple past tense and past participle of modularize.
MODULARIZED adj. containing or consisting of modules, also MODULARISED.
MULTIROOMEDmultiroomed adj. Having multiple rooms.
MULTIROOMED adj. having many rooms.
PARLOURMAIDparlourmaid n. (Britain) A maid who takes care of the parlour.
PARLOURMAID n. a female servant in a private home who serves at the table, keeps the house clean and answers the door to guests.
PREMOULDINGpremoulding v. Present participle of premould.
PREMOULD v. to mould in advance, also PREMOLD.
SMOULDERINGsmouldering adj. (British spelling) Burning slowly, producing smoke but no flame.
smouldering n. (Sometimes figuratively) The act by which something smoulders; residual heat.
smouldering v. Present participle of smoulder.
SMOULDRIESTSMOULDRY adj. (Spenser) smouldering.
TROMBICULIDtrombiculid n. (Zoology) Any mite of the family Trombiculidae.
TROMBICULID n. any member of the mite family.
UNMORALISEDunmoralised adj. Alternative form of unmoralized.
UNMORALISED adj. not moralised upon, also UNMORALIZED.
UNMORALIZEDunmoralized adj. Not restrained or tutored by morality.
UNMORALIZED adj. not moralised upon, also UNMORALISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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