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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing D, 2I, L, N, R and U

ADMINICULARadminicular adj. (Obsolete) Supplying help; auxiliary; corroborative; explanatory.
ADMINICULAR adj. corroborative.
CLINANDRIUMclinandrium n. (Botany) An area at the tip of the column of orchid flowers, beneath the anthers.
CLINANDRIUM n. a cavity in the upper part of the column of an orchid flower that contains the anthers.
DILUTIONARYdilutionary adj. (Economics) Related to the dilution of stocks and shares.
DILUTIONARY adj. tending to dilute.
DISLUSTRINGdislustring v. Present participle of dislustre.
DISLUSTRE v. (archaic) to deprive of lustre.
DIURNALISTSdiurnalists n. Plural of diurnalist.
DIURNALIST n. (archaic) a journalist.
INCREDULITYincredulity n. Unwillingness or inability to believe; doubt about the truth or verisimilitude of something; disbelief.
incredulity n. (Rare) Religious disbelief, lack of faith.
INCREDULITY n. the state of being incredulous.
INDUSTRIALSindustrials n. Plural of industrial.
INDUSTRIAL n. one that is employed in industry.
INTERLUDIALinterludial adj. Relating to, or serving as, an interlude.
INTERLUDIAL adj. relating to an interlude.
INTERLUDINGinterluding v. Present participle of interlude.
INTERLUDE v. to write or perform a dramatic interlude.
INTRUDINGLYintrudingly adv. In an intruding manner.
INTRUDING adv. INTRUDE, to thrust or force oneself in.
PREBUILDINGprebuilding v. Present participle of prebuild.
PREBUILD v. to build beforehand.
QUADRILLINGquadrilling v. Present participle of quadrille.
QUADRILLE v. to dance the quadrille.
QUADRILLIONquadrillion num. (US, modern British and Australian, short scale) A thousand trillion (logic:1,000×1,000^4): 1 followed…
quadrillion num. (Dated, UK, Australia, long scale) A million trillion (logic:1,000×1,000,000^2): 1 followed by twenty-four…
quadrillion n. (Figuratively, slang, hyperbolic) Any very large number, exceeding normal description.
REBUILDINGSrebuildings n. Plural of rebuilding.
REBUILDING n. the act of building again.
REILLUMINEDreillumined v. Simple past tense and past participle of reillumine.
REILLUMINE v. to illumine again.
SEMIDIURNALsemidiurnal adj. Twice daily (usually of tides).
semidiurnal adj. Accomplished in half a day.
semidiurnal adj. (Entomology) Flying in twilight.
SOULDIERINGsouldiering v. Present participle of souldier.
SOULDIER v. (archaic) to soldier.
UNCLARIFIEDunclarified adj. Not clarified.
UNCLARIFIED adj. not clarified.
UNDERLININGunderlining v. Present participle of underline.
underlining n. An act or instance of marking text with an underline.
underlining n. A lining on the inside of a garment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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