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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing D, 2I, 2L, N and T

ALTITUDINALaltitudinal adj. Of or in relation to altitude.
ALTITUDINAL adj. relating to altitude.
BRILLIANTEDBRILLIANT v. to cut and polish a diamond.
DECILLIONTHdecillionth adj. The ordinal form of the number decillion.
decillionth n. The person or thing in the decillionth position.
decillionth n. One of a decillion equal parts of a whole.
DENTILABIALdentilabial adj. Alternative form of dentolabial.
dentilabial n. Alternative form of dentolabial.
DENTILABIAL adj. labiodental.
DICTIONALLYdictionally adv. In terms of diction.
DICTIONAL adv. relating to diction.
DISTILLANDSDISTILLAND n. that which is to be, or is, distilled.
DISTILLINGSdistillings n. Plural of distilling.
DISTILLING n. the act of distillation.
GUILLOTINEDguillotined v. Simple past tense and past participle of guillotine.
GUILLOTINE v. to behead with a guillotine.
IDENTICALLYidentically adv. In an identical manner.
identically adv. (Mathematics) In terms of an identity.
IDENTICAL adv. exactly the same, also IDENTIC.
ILLUMINATEDilluminated adj. Irradiated by light, lit.
illuminated adj. (Of a manuscript) Decorated and illustrated.
illuminated v. Simple past tense and past participle of illuminate.
INTERALLIEDinterallied adj. Between allied states.
INTERALLIED adj. relating to, composed of, or involving allies.
INTERLUDIALinterludial adj. Relating to, or serving as, an interlude.
INTERLUDIAL adj. relating to an interlude.
INTERTILLEDINTERTILL v. to cultivate between the rows (of a crop).
LATITUDINALlatitudinal adj. Relating to latitude.
LATITUDINAL adj. relating to latitude.
METALLIDINGMETALLIDING n. a high-temperature electrolytic technique for creating metal alloys on the surface of metals.
TILLANDSIAStillandsias n. Plural of tillandsia.
TILLANDSIA n. (Swedish) any plant of the mainly epiphytic tropical American genus Tillandsia of the pineapple family.
UNDISTILLEDundistilled adj. Not distilled.
UNDISTILLED adj. not distilled.
UNLIMITEDLYunlimitedly adv. In an unlimited way.
UNLIMITED adv. not limited.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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