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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing D, H, I, O, R and 2T

ANTITHYROIDantithyroid adj. (Biochemistry) Reducing the production or effects of thyroid hormones.
anti-thyroid adj. Alternative spelling of antithyroid.
ANTITHYROID adj. able to counteract excessive thyroid activity.
DEHORTATIONdehortation n. (Archaic) Advice against something; dissuasion.
DEHORTATION n. advice against something, dissuasion.
DEHORTATIVEdehortative adj. Dissuasive.
DEHORTATIVE adj. dissuasive, also DEHORTATORY.
DITTOGRAPHYdittography n. The accidental error of repeating a word, phrase or combination of letters by a scribe or copyist.
dittography n. An error produced thereby.
DITTOGRAPHY n. the unintentional repetition of letters in print.
DROUGHTIESTdroughtiest adj. Superlative form of droughty: most droughty.
DROUGHTY adj. dry, also DROUTHY.
HISTORIATEDhistoriated adj. Adorned with decorative pictures that tell a story.
HISTORIATED adj. decorated with elaborate ornamental designs and figures, also STORIATED.
HYDROSTATIChydrostatic adj. (Physics) Of or relating to hydrostatics.
hydrostatic adj. Of or relating to fluids, especially to the pressure that they exert or transmit.
HYDROSTATIC adj. of or relating to fluids at rest or to the pressures they exert or transmit, also HYDROSTATICAL.
HYDROTACTIChydrotactic adj. Relating to hydrotaxis.
HYDROTACTIC adj. relating to hydrotaxis, movement towards or away from water.
OCTAHEDRITEoctahedrite n. (Mineralogy) The mineral anatase.
OCTAHEDRITE n. a variety of anatase, crystallising in square bipyramids.
ORTHODONTIAorthodontia n. Synonym of orthodontics.
ORTHODONTIA n. the rectification of crookedness in the teeth, also ORTHODONTICS.
ORTHODONTICorthodontic adj. Of, or relating to the dental speciality of orthodontics.
ORTHODONTIC adj. relating to orthodontics, the rectification of crookedness in the teeth.
ORTHOPEDISTorthopedist n. (Medicine) A surgeon who specializes in orthopedics.
ORTHOPEDIST n. a specialist in orthopedics, also ORTHOPAEDIST.
PEDORTHISTSpedorthists n. Plural of pedorthist.
RICOCHETTEDricochetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of ricochet.
RICOCHET v. (French) to rebound from a surface.
SHORTLISTEDshortlisted v. Simple past tense and past participle of shortlist.
shortlisted adj. Placed on a short list.
short-listed v. Simple past tense and past participle of short-list.
STRUTHIOIDSSTRUTHIOID n. a member of the ostrich family.
THRENODISTSthrenodists n. Plural of threnodist.
THRENODIST n. one who composes, delivers, or utters, a threnode, or threnody.
THYROIDITISthyroiditis n. (Pathology) Inflammation of the thyroid gland.
THYROIDITIS n. inflammation of the thyroid.
TITLEHOLDERtitleholder n. The person who possesses a rank or title.
TITLEHOLDER n. one that holds a title.
TRAITORHOODtraitorhood n. The quality of being a traitor.
TRAITORHOOD n. the state of being a traitor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 83 words
  • Scrabble in French: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 5 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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