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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing D, H, 2I, M, R and T

ADIATHERMICadiathermic adj. Impervious to heat.
ADIATHERMIC adj. impervious to radiant heat.
ANTHERIDIUMantheridium n. (Botany, mycology) An organ producing male gametes called antherozoids, found in some algae, ferns, and bryophytes.
ANTHERIDIUM n. the male reproductive organ of some plants, also ANTHERID.
DIATHERMIASDIATHERMIA n. heating of internal parts of the body by electric currents, also DIATHERMY.
DIATHERMIESdiathermies n. Plural of diathermy.
DIATHERMY n. heating of internal parts of the body by electric currents, also DIATHERMIA.
DICHROMATICdichromatic adj. Having two colors.
dichromatic adj. (Pathology) having a form of colorblindness in which only two of the three primary colors can be distinguished.
dichromatic adj. (Zoology) having two independent channels for conveying color information in the eye.
DINOTHERIUMdinotherium n. An extinct animal of large size, with elephant-like tusks curved down from its lower jaw.
DINOTHERIUM n. an extinct elephantine mammal with downward-curving tusks, also DEINOTHERE, DEINOTHERIUM, DINOTHERE.
DITHYRAMBICdithyrambic adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling a dithyramb; especially, passionate, intoxicated with enthusiasm.
dithyrambic n. A dithyramb.
DITHYRAMBIC adj. like a dithyramb, wildly enthusiastic in statement or writing.
MITHRIDATESmithridates n. Plural of mithridate.
Mithridates prop.n. (Historical) a male given name popularized in Achaemenid and post-Achaemenid Persia.
MITHRIDATE n. an antidote against poison.
MITHRIDATICmithridatic adj. (Historical) Of or related to mithridates, universally curative against all poisons.
mithridatic adj. Of or related to mithridatism, the gradual acquisition of immunity to poison through repeated exposure.
mithridatic n. (Medicine, archaic) Synonym of antidote: a treatment which functions like a mithridate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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