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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing D, G, I, M, N, O and Z

DOGMATIZINGdogmatizing v. Present participle of dogmatize.
DOGMATIZE v. to assert positively, also DOGMATISE.
GORMANDIZEDgormandized v. Simple past tense and past participle of gormandize.
GORMANDIZE v. to indulge a taste for good food to excess, also GORMANDISE, GOURMANDISE, GOURMANDIZE.
GORMANDIZERgormandizer n. A person who gormandizes; a glutton or gourmand.
GORMANDIZER n. one who eats to excess, also GORMANDISER.
GORMANDIZESgormandizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of gormandize.
GORMANDIZE v. to indulge a taste for good food to excess, also GORMANDISE, GOURMANDISE, GOURMANDIZE.
GOURMANDIZEgourmandize v. Alternative spelling of gourmandise.
GOURMANDIZE v. to indulge a taste for good food to excess, also GORMANDISE, GORMANDIZE, GOURMANDISE.
HOMOGENIZEDhomogenized v. Simple past tense and past participle of homogenize.
homogenized adj. Having been made homogenous, said especially of milk (which when homogenized no longer separates into…
HOMOGENIZE v. to make homogeneous, also HOMOGENISE.
METHODIZINGmethodizing v. Present participle of methodize.
METHODIZE v. to reduce to method; to arrange in an orderly way; as, to methodize one's work or thoughts, also METHODISE.
MODERNIZINGmodernizing v. Present participle of modernize.
MODERNIZE v. to make modern, also MODERNISE.
MONGRELIZEDmongrelized v. Simple past tense and past participle of mongrelize.
MONGRELIZE v. to make mongrel, also MONGRELISE.
MONOLOGIZEDmonologized v. Simple past tense and past participle of monologize.
RANDOMIZINGrandomizing v. Present participle of randomize.
RANDOMIZE v. to make random, also RANDOMISE.
ZOOGONIDIUMzoogonidium n. A gonidium that contains spores.
ZOOGONIDIUM n. a swarm-spore.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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