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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing D, G, I, L, 2N and T

DELINEATINGdelineating v. Present participle of delineate.
DELINEATE v. to mark out with, or as if with, lines.
DENTALISINGdentalising v. Present participle of dentalise.
DENTALISE v. to make (a sound) dental, also DENTALIZE.
DENTALIZINGdentalizing v. Present participle of dentalize.
DENTALIZE v. to make (a sound) dental, also DENTALISE.
DISENTANGLEdisentangle v. (Transitive) To free something from entanglement; to extricate or unknot.
disentangle v. (Transitive) To unravel; to separate into discrete components or units.
disentangle v. (Intransitive) To become free or untangled.
DISMANTLINGdismantling v. Present participle of dismantle.
dismantling n. The act by which something is dismantled.
DISMANTLING n. the act of taking apart.
DISPLANTINGdisplanting v. Present participle of displant.
DISPLANT v. to uproot; to remove from a town or country of settlement.
ENLIGHTENEDenlightened adj. Educated or informed.
enlightened adj. Made aware of something.
enlightened adj. Freed from illusion.
GOALTENDINGgoaltending n. (Basketball) A violation which occurs when a player interferes with the movement of the ball that is…
goaltending n. (Ice hockey) The activity of a goaltender.
goaltending v. Present participle of goaltend.
INDIGNANTLYindignantly adv. In an indignant manner.
INDIGNANT adv. feeling or showing justifiable anger.
INDULGENTLYindulgently adv. In an indulgent manner.
INDULGENT adv. tending to indulge.
INTERLUDINGinterluding v. Present participle of interlude.
INTERLUDE v. to write or perform a dramatic interlude.
INTRUDINGLYintrudingly adv. In an intruding manner.
INTRUDING adv. INTRUDE, to thrust or force oneself in.
LIGHTNINGEDlightninged v. Simple past tense and past participle of lightning.
LIGHTNING v. to flash with lightning, a flash of light in the sky, caused by electricity being discharged from thunderclouds.
OUTHANDLINGouthandling v. Present participle of outhandle.
OUTHANDLE v. to handle better than.
PENDULATINGpendulating v. Present participle of pendulate.
PENDULATE v. to swing as a pendulum.
POSTLANDINGpostlanding adj. After the landing of a vessel or vehicle.
POSTLANDING adj. that takes place after landing.
TENDERLINGStenderlings n. Plural of tenderling.
TENDERLING n. one made tender by too much kindness.
UNLIGHTENEDunlightened adj. Not lightened (made lighter in tone or colour).
UNLIGHTENED adj. not lightened.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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