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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing D, G, 2I, O, T and U

AUDIOLOGISTaudiologist n. A healthcare professional who diagnoses, treats and/or manages hearing and balance disorders.
AUDIOLOGIST n. one who studies hearing.
AUDIOTAPINGaudiotaping v. Present participle of audiotape.
AUDIOTAPE v. to record on audiotape.
AUDIOTYPINGaudiotyping n. Alternative form of audio typing.
audio␣typing n. The work of an audio typist, listening to a sound recording and transcribing it into text by typing.
AUDIOTYPING n. typing directly from a dictating machine.
AUDITIONINGauditioning v. Present participle of audition.
AUDITION v. to give a trial performance.
AUTODIALINGautodialing v. Present participle of autodial.
AUTODIAL v. to dial a telephone number automatically.
DEGLUTITIONdeglutition n. (Physiology) The act or process of swallowing.
DEGLUTITION n. the power or act of swallowing.
DIGITORIUMSdigitoriums n. Plural of digitorium.
DIGITORIUM n. (Latin) a silent piano for practicing.
DIGONEUTISMdigoneutism n. The quality of being digoneutic.
DIGONEUTISM n. the state of being digoneutic, producing offspring twice yearly.
DISCOUNTINGdiscounting v. Present participle of discount.
DISCOUNT v. to reduce the price of.
DISMOUNTINGdismounting v. Present participle of dismount.
dismounting n. The act of one who dismounts.
DISMOUNT v. to get down from an elevated position.
DIVULGATIONdivulgation n. The act of divulging or publishing; publication.
divulgation n. The disclosure or revelation of a secret.
divulgation n. The communication of technology or science to the general public, public awareness of science.
GUILLOTINEDguillotined v. Simple past tense and past participle of guillotine.
GUILLOTINE v. to behead with a guillotine.
INTRODUCINGintroducing v. Present participle and gerund of introduce.
INTRODUCE v. to bring in, establish.
MISDOUBTINGmisdoubting v. Present participle of misdoubt.
misdoubting n. Doubt.
MISDOUBT v. to be suspicious of.
OUTBUILDINGoutbuilding n. A building, such as a barn, shed, or garage, that is separate from, but associated with some main building.
outbuilding v. Present participle of outbuild.
OUTBUILDING n. a building such as a barn, stable, etc. separate from, but used in connection with, a dwelling-house or a main building.
OUTDRINKINGoutdrinking v. Present participle of outdrink.
OUTDRINK v. to surpass in drinking.
OUTSTRIDINGoutstriding v. Present participle of outstride.
OUTSTRIDE v. to surpass in striding.
OUTYIELDINGoutyielding v. Present participle of outyield.
OUTYIELD v. to surpass in yielding.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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