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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing D, E, M, N, O, R and Y

AERODYNAMICaerodynamic adj. Of, or relating to the science of aerodynamics.
aerodynamic adj. Having a shape that reduces drag when moving through the air.
AERODYNAMIC adj. relating to aerodynamics, also AERODYNAMICAL.
ATTORNEYDOMattorneydom n. The realm or sphere of attorneys.
ATTORNEYDOM n. the office of attorney.
CONFIRMEDLYconfirmedly adv. In a manner that is confirmed; definitely, as has been demonstrated.
CONFIRMED adv. CONFIRM, to assure the validity of.
DEMONOCRACYdemonocracy n. A government by or of (supernatural) demons, such as the government which in some mythologies exists in Hell.
demonocracy n. Democracy (when regarded as resulting in, or being no better than, government by figurative demons (i…
DEMONOCRACY n. government by demons or evil forces.
DEMONOLATRYdemonolatry n. Worship of demons.
DEMONOLATRY n. the worship of or devotion to demons.
DOCUMENTARYdocumentary adj. Of, related to, or based on documents.
documentary adj. Which serves to document (record and:or illustrate) a subject.
documentary adj. (Of a film, book etc) Presented objectively without the insertion of fictional matter.
DYNAMOMETERdynamometer n. Any of various devices used to measure mechanical power, force, or torque.
DYNAMOMETER n. instrument for measuring mechanical force.
DYNAMOMETRYdynamometry n. The measurement of forces doing work.
DYNAMOMETRY n. measurement by dynamometer.
EMBRYONATEDembryonated adj. Containing an embryo; having had an embryo develop.
EMBRYONATED adj. (obsolete) of minerals, embedded in other material, also EMBRYONATE.
HYDROMANCERhydromancer n. One who practices hydromancy.
HYDROMANCER n. one who practises hydromancy.
HYPERMODERNhypermodern adj. Extremely modern, bordering on the futuristic.
hypermodern adj. (Chess) Of or pertaining to hypermodernism.
HYPERMODERN adj. very modern.
MOLENDINARYmolendinary adj. Relating to mills or milling.
MOLENDINARY adj. belonging to a mill.
MOLENDINARY n. a mill.
MONEYLENDERmoneylender n. A person who lends money and charges interest, especially one who is not part of the official financial industry.
MONEYLENDER n. one whose business is lending money.
MONOHYDRATEmonohydrate n. (Chemistry) A hydrate whose solid contains a single molecule of water of crystallization per molecule…
MONOHYDRATE n. a hydrate containing one molecule of water per molecule of the compound.
REEMBODYINGreembodying v. Present participle of reembody.
re-embodying v. Present participle of re-embody.
REEMBODY v. to embody again.
REMODIFYINGremodifying v. Present participle of remodify.
REMODIFY v. to modify again.
TORMENTEDLYtormentedly adv. In a tormented manner.
TORMENTED adv. TORMENT, to harass or torture.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 97 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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