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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing D, E, 2I, 2T and V

ADVENTITIALadventitial adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the adventitia.
adventitial adj. (Obsolete) Alternative form of adventitious.
ADVENTITIAL adj. relating to the adventitia, the outermost covering of an organ or part, esp. of a blood vessel.
ADVENTITIASadventitias n. Plural of adventitia.
ADVENTITIA n. the outermost covering of an organ or part, esp. of a blood vessel.
DEGLUTITIVEdeglutitive adj. (Medicine) Relating to the action or process of swallowing.
DEGLUTITIVE adj. relating to deglutition, also DEGLUTITORY.
DETECTIVISTDETECTIVIST n. a writer of detective fiction.
DETRITIVOREdetritivore n. (Ecology) An organism that feeds on detritus; a detrivore, a saprophage.
DEVOTIONISTdevotionist n. Alternative form of devotionalist.
DEVOTIONIST n. one who practises devotion.
DIRECTIVITYdirectivity n. (Physics, electrical engineering) A measure of the performance of an antenna compared to an isotropic…
directivity n. (Geology) Anisotropy in the propagation of earthquake waves in the direction of rupture.
directivity n. (Rare) Directionality.
DISPUTATIVEdisputative adj. Tending to dispute.
DISPUTATIVE adj. inclined to dispute.
DISTINCTIVEdistinctive adj. Distinguishing, used to or enabling the distinguishing of some thing.
distinctive adj. (Rare) Discriminating, discerning, having the ability to distinguish between things.
distinctive adj. Characteristic, typical.
DISTRACTIVEdistractive adj. Causing distraction.
DISTRACTIVE adj. serving to distract.
DIVESTITUREdivestiture n. The act of selling something off, especially an investment or a business.
divestiture n. The process of stripping away a person’s confidence, values and attitudes in order to indoctrinate them…
DIVESTITURE n. the act of divesting, also DIVESTURE.
INACTIVATEDinactivated v. Simple past tense and past participle of inactivate.
INACTIVATE v. to make inactive.
VATICINATEDvaticinated v. Simple past tense and past participle of vaticinate.
VATICINATE v. to prophesy, predict.
VENDITATIONvenditation n. (Obsolete) The act of setting forth ostentatiously; a boastful display.
VENDITATION n. offering for sale.
VITRIOLATEDvitriolated adj. (Obsolete, chemistry) sulfated.
VITRIOLATE v. to convert into, or change to, a vitriol.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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