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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing D, E, G, I, O, P and T

ADAPTOGENICadaptogenic adj. Being or relating to an adaptogen.
ADAPTOGENIC adj. acting to normalize and regulate the systems of the body.
COPYEDITINGcopyediting n. Alternative spelling of copy editing.
copy␣editing n. The correction of the spelling, grammar, formatting, etc. of printed material and preparation of it…
COPYEDIT v. to prepare copy for the printer.
COPYRIGHTEDcopyrighted adj. (Law) Covered by a copyright, not public domain.
copyrighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of copyright.
COPYRIGHT v. to secure the sole right to reproduce a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work of.
DIPHTHONGEDDIPHTHONG v. to pronounce as a diphthong.
OUTSPEEDINGoutspeeding v. Present participle of outspeed.
OUTSPEED v. to go faster than.
OUTSPENDINGoutspending v. Present participle of outspend.
OUTSPEND v. to exceed the limits of in spending.
PAEDOLOGISTpaedologist n. One who researches and studies children: a student of paedology.
pædologist n. Obsolete spelling of paedologist.
PAEDOLOGIST n. one who studies the growth and development of children, also PEDOLOGIST.
PEDOGENETICpedogenetic adj. Relating to pedogenesis.
PEDOGENETIC adj. relating to pedogenesis, the process of soil generation.
PEDOLOGISTSpedologists n. Plural of pedologist.
PEDOLOGIST n. one who studies the growth and development of children, also PAEDOLOGIST.
PETTIFOGGEDpettifogged v. Simple past tense and past participle of pettifog.
PETTIFOG v. to quibble.
PONDERATINGponderating v. Present participle of ponderate.
PONDERATE v. to consider; to ponder.
PORRIDGIESTPORRIDGY adj. resembling porridge.
POSTEDITINGpostediting v. Present participle of postedit.
POSTEDITING n. the act of editing after a piece of writing has been produced or printed by a machine.
PREADOPTINGpreadopting v. Present participle of preadopt.
PREADOPT v. to adopt beforehand.
PREDEVOTINGPREDEVOTE v. to devote or dedicate beforehand.
PTERIDOLOGYpteridology n. (Botany) The scientific study of ferns and other pteridophytes.
PTERIDOLOGY n. the study of ferns.
SPOTLIGHTEDspotlighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of spotlight.
SPOTLIGHT v. to highlight.
STAMPEDOINGstampedoing v. Present participle of stampedo.
STAMPEDO v. (obsolete) to stampede.
TOPDRESSINGtopdressing v. Present participle of topdress.
topdressing n. The covering of a surface with loose material; especially the covering of newly-sown seeds with a light…
top-dressing v. Present participle of top-dress.
VIDEOTAPINGvideotaping v. Present participle of videotape.
videotaping n. A recording onto videotape.
VIDEOTAPE v. to record on videotape.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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