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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing D, E, F, G, 2I and R

BEFRIENDINGbefriending v. Present participle of befriend.
befriending n. The process of making friends with somebody.
BEFRIEND v. to act as a friend to.
DEBRIEFINGSdebriefings n. Plural of debriefing.
DEBRIEFING n. questioning after a mission.
DEFRIENDINGdefriending v. Present participle of defriend.
DEFRIEND v. to remove someone from one's list of friends on a social networking site.
DISFIGURERSdisfigurers n. Plural of disfigurer.
DISFIGURER n. one who disfigures.
FREEDIVINGSFREEDIVING n. the sport of diving for depth without apparatus.
FRIGIDITIESfrigidities n. Plural of frigidity.
FRIGIDITY n. the state of being frigid.
GIRLFRIENDSgirlfriends n. Plural of girlfriend.
girl-friends n. Plural of girl-friend.
girl␣friends n. Plural of girl friend.
GRAINFIELDSgrainfields n. Plural of grainfield.
GRAINFIELD n. a field where grain is grown.
PREDEFININGpredefining v. Present participle of predefine.
PREDEFINE v. to define in advance.
REAEDIFYINGreaedifying v. Present participle of reaedify.
REAEDIFY v. (Spenser) to rebuild, also REAEDIFYE, REEDIFY.
RECODIFYINGrecodifying v. Present participle of recodify.
RECODIFY v. to insert a new code.
REGLORIFIEDREGLORIFY v. to glorify again.
REINFUNDINGreinfunding v. Present participle of reinfund.
REINFUND v. to flow again.
REMODIFYINGremodifying v. Present participle of remodify.
REMODIFY v. to modify again.
TRENDIFYINGtrendifying v. Present participle of trendify.
TRENDIFY v. to make something trendy.
UNDERFIRINGunderfiring n. Intentional operation of a boiler, furnace, oven, etc., at a low level.
underfiring n. The state of not burning fuel at the desired level, and thus not providing heat efficiently.
underfiring n. (Also attributively) Heating from below.
UNFRIENDINGunfriending v. Present participle of unfriend.
un-friending v. Present participle of un-friend.
UNFRIEND v. to remove someone from one's online circle of friends.
UNGRATIFIEDungratified adj. Not gratified.
UNGRATIFIED adj. not gratified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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