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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing D, 2E, S, T, U and V

ADVENTURERSadventurers n. Plural of adventurer.
ADVENTURER n. one who adventures.
ADVENTURESSadventuress n. A female adventurer; a woman who seeks adventure.
adventuress n. A woman of doubtful reputation or suspected character who pursues personal advancement, especially by…
adventuress n. A female varietist.
DEPURATIVESdepuratives n. Plural of depurative.
DEPURATIVE n. a purifying agent, also DEPURANT.
DESTRUCTIVEdestructive adj. Causing destruction; damaging.
destructive adj. Causing breakdown or disassembly.
destructive adj. (Computing) Lossy; causing irreversible change.
DEVOURMENTSdevourments n. Plural of devourment.
DEVOURMENT n. the act of devouring.
DISAVENTUREdisaventure n. (Obsolete) misfortune.
DISAVENTURE n. (Spenser) a mishap, also DISADVENTURE.
DISQUIETIVEdisquietive adj. Tending to disquiet.
DISQUIETIVE adj. causing disquiet.
DIVESTITUREdivestiture n. The act of selling something off, especially an investment or a business.
divestiture n. The process of stripping away a person’s confidence, values and attitudes in order to indoctrinate them…
DIVESTITURE n. the act of divesting, also DIVESTURE.
OUTDELIVERSoutdelivers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outdeliver.
OUTDELIVER v. to surpass in delivering.
OVERSTUDIEDoverstudied v. Simple past tense and past participle of overstudy.
OVERSTUDY v. to study to excess.
OVERSTUDIESoverstudies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overstudy.
OVERSTUDY v. to study to excess.
OVERSTUFFEDoverstuffed adj. Filled beyond capacity.
overstuffed adj. Of a piece of upholstered furniture, such as a chair or sofa: Covered completely and deeply with upholstery…
overstuffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overstuff.
OVERTEDIOUSovertedious adj. Excessively tedious.
OVERTEDIOUS adj. (Shakespeare) too tedious.
OVERTRUSTEDovertrusted v. Simple past tense and past participle of overtrust.
OVERTRUST v. to trust excessively.
SEDUCTIVELYseductively adv. In a seductive manner.
SEDUCTIVE adv. tending to seduce, also SEDUCIVE.
TURTLEDOVESturtledoves n. Plural of turtledove.
turtle-doves n. Plural of turtle-dove an alternative spelling of turtle dove.
turtle␣doves n. Plural of turtle dove.
UNDERINVESTunderinvest v. (Business) To invest insufficiently.
UNDERINVEST v. to invest insufficient funds.
UNHARVESTEDunharvested adj. Not harvested.
UNHARVESTED adj. not harvested.
UNTRAVERSEDuntraversed adj. That has not been traversed; unexplored.
UNTRAVERSED adj. not traversed.
VESICULATEDvesiculated adj. Composed of vesicles; vesicular.
VESICULATE v. to become vesicular.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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