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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing D, 2E, 2O, P and T

ALDOPENTOSEaldopentose n. (Biochemistry) A pentose that is also an aldose.
ALDOPENTOSE n. a type of sugar.
DECOMPOSITEdecomposite adj. Compounded more than once; compounded with things already composite.
decomposite adj. (Botany) decompound.
decomposite n. Anything decompounded.
DIOPTOMETERdioptometer n. An instrument used to measure ocular refraction, in order to prescribe corrective lenses.
DIOPTOMETER n. an instrument for measuring ocular refraction.
DOORSTEPPEDdoorstepped v. Simple past tense and past participle of doorstep.
DOORSTEP v. to canvass door to door.
DOORSTEPPERdoorstepper n. One who doorsteps, or corners somebody for an unexpected interview.
DOORSTEPPER n. a salesman who tries to sell on the doorstep.
ENDOPODITESendopodites n. Plural of endopodite.
ENDOPODITE n. the internal or principal branch of the locomotive appendages of Crustacea.
EURODEPOSITEURODEPOSIT n. a deposit of the currency of any country in the eurocurrency market.
FOREPOINTEDforepointed v. Simple past tense and past participle of forepoint.
FOREPOINT v. to foreshadow.
HETEROPLOIDheteroploid adj. (Biology) Having a chromosome number that is neither the haploid nor the diploid number normal in the species.
heteroploid n. (Biology) An organism having a chromosome number that is neither the haploid nor the diploid number…
HETEROPLOID n. an organism having a chromosome number that is not an integral multiple of the haploid.
INTERLOOPEDINTERLOOP v. to loop together.
OPENMOUTHEDopenmouthed adj. Alternative form of open-mouthed.
open-mouthed adj. (Obsolete) Talkative; eager to speak.
open-mouthed adj. With the mouth open.
ORTHOPEDIESORTHOPEDY n. the art or process of curing deformities arising from (originally childhood) disease or injury, also ORTHOPAEDICS, ORTHOPAEDY, ORTHOPEDIA, ORTHOPEDICS.
OUTCOMPETEDoutcompeted v. Simple past tense and past participle of outcompete.
OUTCOMPETE v. to surpass in competing.
OVERPLOTTEDoverplotted adj. (Drama) Having an excessively elaborate plot.
OVERPLOT v. to devise an overly complex plot for.
PETRODROMESPETRODROME n. an African elephant shrew.
PHOTOREDUCEphotoreduce v. To cause or undergo photoreduction.
PHOTOREDUCE v. to photocopy with reduction of the image.
PROTEOLYSEDproteolysed adj. Subject to, or obtained via proteolysis.
proteolysed v. Simple past tense and past participle of proteolyse.
PROTEOLYSE v. to split proteins by proteolysis.
ZEPTOSECONDzeptosecond n. (Metrology) A unit of time equal to 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001 seconds, that is, 10-21 second, and…
ZEPTOSECOND n. a 10 to the -21 part of a second.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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