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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing D, 2E, H, I, R and U

EUHEMERISEDeuhemerised v. Simple past tense and past participle of euhemerise.
EUHEMERISE v. to give a historical explanation for a myth, also EUHEMERIZE.
EUHEMERIZEDeuhemerized v. Simple past tense and past participle of euhemerize.
EUHEMERIZE v. to give a historical explanation for a myth, also EUHEMERISE.
FIGUREHEADSfigureheads n. Plural of figurehead.
figure-heads n. Plural of figure-head.
FIGUREHEAD n. the figure, statue, or bust, on the prow of a ship.
HARLEQUINEDharlequined v. Simple past tense and past participle of harlequin.
HARLEQUIN v. to play a harlequin.
HESPERIDIUMhesperidium n. Any of several kinds of true berries, including citrus fruit such as the lemon and lime, which have…
HESPERIDIUM n. a plant with a berry like a citrus fruit.
HURRIEDNESShurriedness n. The state of being hurried.
HURRIEDNESS n. the state of being hurried.
NEIGHBOUREDneighboured n. (Obsolete) The state or condition of being a neighbour; neighbourhood; neighbourship.
neighboured v. Simple past tense and past participle of neighbour.
NEIGHBOUR v. to live close by, border on, also NEIGHBOR.
REDRUTHITESredruthites n. Plural of redruthite.
REDRUTHITE n. copper-glance, a mineral found at Redruth in Cornwall.
REFURBISHEDrefurbished v. Simple past tense and past participle of refurbish.
refurbished adj. Rebuilt or replenished with all new material; or, restored to original (or better) working order and appearance.
REFURBISH v. to furbish anew.
REFURNISHEDrefurnished v. Simple past tense and past participle of refurnish.
REFURNISH v. to furnish again.
REHUMANISEDrehumanised v. Simple past tense and past participle of rehumanise.
REHUMANISE v. to make human again, also REHUMANIZE.
REHUMANIZEDrehumanized v. Simple past tense and past participle of rehumanize.
REHUMANIZE v. to make human again, also REHUMANISE.
REPUBLISHEDrepublished v. Past participle of republish.
REPUBLISH v. to publish again.
SHRUBBERIEDshrubberied adj. Having a shrubbery.
SHRUBBERIED adj. having a shrubbery.
THUNDERIESTthunderiest adj. Superlative form of thundery: most thundery.
THUNDERY adj. indicative of thunder.
UNDERFISHEDunderfished adj. (Of a lake, a fish species, etc.) Fished less than would still be sustainable; suitable for a greater…
UNDERFISH v. to fish insufficiently.
UNDERFISHESunderfishes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underfish.
UNDERFISH v. to fish insufficiently.
UNDERWEIGHTunderweight adj. Of an inappropriately or unusually low weight.
underweight adj. Not too heavy for an intended purpose.
underweight adj. (Finance) Being less invested in a particular area than market wisdom suggests.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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