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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing D, 2E, F, L, N and O

BELLFOUNDERbellfounder n. Someone who makes bells.
bell-founder n. Alternative spelling of bellfounder.
bell␣founder n. Alternative spelling of bellfounder.
CENTERFOLDScenterfolds n. Plural of centerfold.
CENTERFOLD n. the centre pages of a magazine, also CENTREFOLD.
CENTREFOLDScentrefolds n. Plural of centrefold.
CENTREFOLD n. the centre pages of a magazine, also CENTERFOLD.
CONFESSEDLYconfessedly adv. Admittedly; by one’s own confession.
confessedly adv. (Archaic) In a way that is generally acknowledged.
CONFESSED adv. CONFESS, to admit or disclose.
DEFLECTIONSdeflections n. Plural of deflection.
DEFLECTION n. an act of bending or turning away, also DEFLEXION.
DEFLEXIONALdeflexional adj. Dated form of deflectional.
DEFLEXIONAL adj. showing deflexion, also DEFLECTIONAL.
DEFLOWERINGdeflowering v. Present participle of deflower.
deflowering n. The breaking of the hymen of a virgin.
DEFLOWER v. to deprive of virginity.
DOLEFULNESSdolefulness n. The characteristic of being doleful; sadness.
DOLEFULNESS n. the state of being doleful.
ECOFRIENDLYecofriendly adj. Alternative spelling of eco-friendly.
eco-friendly adj. Ecologically friendly; not damaging to the natural environment.
ECOFRIENDLY adj. respectful of the environment.
ENFOLDMENTSenfoldments n. Plural of enfoldment.
ENFOLDMENT n. the act of enfolding.
ENFOULDEREDenfouldered adj. (Poetic) Mixed with lightning or fire.
ENFOULDERED adj. (Spenser) charged with or like lightning.
FIELDSTONESfieldstones n. Plural of fieldstone.
FIELDSTONE n. (US) stone for building, taken from a field.
FORELENDINGforelending v. Present participle of forelend.
FORELEND v. to grant beforehand, also FORLEND.
FOREPLANNEDforeplanned v. Simple past tense and past participle of foreplan.
FOREPLAN v. to plan beforehand.
FREELOADINGfreeloading v. Present participle of freeload.
freeloading n. The act of one who freeloads.
FREELOADING n. eating at someone else's expense, gaining from someone else's efforts.
INTERFLOWEDinterflowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of interflow.
INTERFLOW v. to flow in.
INTERFOLDEDinterfolded v. Simple past tense and past participle of interfold.
interfolded adj. Intertwined; interlocked; clasped together.
INTERFOLD v. to fold together or within each other.
SOLEMNIFIEDsolemnified v. Simple past tense and past participle of solemnify.
SOLEMNIFY v. to make solemn.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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