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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing 2D, E, G, I, R and U

DISCOURAGEDdiscouraged adj. Having lost confidence or hope; dejected; disheartened.
discouraged adj. Unrecommended; unprescribed.
discouraged v. Simple past tense and past participle of discourage.
DISGRUNTLEDdisgruntled v. (Obsolete) simple past tense and past participle of disgruntle.
disgruntled adj. Unhappy; dissatisfied.
disgruntled adj. Frustrated.
LIFEGUARDEDlifeguarded adj. Supervised by a lifeguard.
LIFEGUARD v. to serve as a lifeguard.
OUTREDDINGSOUTREDDING n. the act of exceeding redness.
REDOUNDINGSREDOUNDING n. the act of redounding.
SHUDDERINGSshudderings n. Plural of shuddering.
SHUDDERING n. the act of shuddering.
SUPERADDINGsuperadding v. Present participle of superadd.
SUPERADD v. to add further.
UNDERBRIDGEunderbridge n. (Britain) A bridge that allows traffic to pass under a road, river, railway etc.
underbridge n. The underneath of a bridge.
UNDERBRIDGE n. a bridge carrying a road or railway.
UNDERDOSINGunderdosing v. Present participle of underdose.
under-dosing v. Present participle of under-dose.
UNDERDOSE v. to give an insufficient dose to.
UNDERGIRDEDundergirded v. Simple past tense and past participle of undergird.
UNDERGIRD v. to form the basis or foundation of, to support from below.
UNDERSIGNEDundersigned adj. (Of a document) having signatures at the end or bottom.
undersigned adj. (Of a person) having signed at the end of a document.
undersigned n. The person or those people, mentioned in a document, whose names and signatures appear at the end.
UNPEDIGREEDunpedigreed adj. Without a pedigree.
UNPEDIGREED adj. without a pedigree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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