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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing D, 2N, O, R, S and T

ADORNMENTSadornments n. Plural of adornment.
ADORNMENT n. the act of adorning.
CONTENDERScontenders n. Plural of contender.
CONTENDER n. one who contends.
CORDONNETScordonnets n. Plural of cordonnet.
CORDONNET n. a type of thread.
DARNATIONSdarnations n. Plural of darnation.
DARNATION n. a mild form of damnation, also TARNATION.
DOWNTRENDSdowntrends n. Plural of downtrend.
DOWNTREND n. a tendency in a downward direction.
GRINDSTONEgrindstone n. An abrasive wheel for sharpening, polishing or grinding.
GRINDSTONE n. a millstone.
GROUNDNUTSgroundnuts n. Plural of groundnut.
GROUNDNUT n. the peanut or monkey-nut.
INTERNODESinternodes n. Plural of internode.
INTERNODE n. the space between two nodes or points of the stem from which the leaves properly arise.
INUNDATORSinundators n. Plural of inundator.
INUNDATOR n. one who inundates.
NONDOCTORSnondoctors n. Plural of nondoctor.
NONDOCTOR n. someone who is not a doctor.
NONSTEROIDnonsteroid n. A substance that is not a steroid.
NONSTEROID n. a drug that is not a steroid.
NORTHLANDSnorthlands n. Plural of northland.
NORTHLAND n. the northern part of a country.
RENDITIONSrenditions n. Plural of rendition.
renditions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rendition.
RENDITION v. to surrender (fugitives from justice) at the claim of a foreign government.
RESPONDENTrespondent n. One who responds; one who replies.
respondent n. (Law) A defendant, especially in a case instituted by a petition or in appellate and divorce proceedings.
respondent n. A person replying to a questionnaire.
ROTUNDNESSrotundness n. The property of being rotund. fatness, largeness.
ROTUNDNESS n. the state of being rotund.
STRINGENDOstringendo n. (Music) A passage in music to be played gradually faster; a section of music with in which the tempo slowly increases.
stringendo adv. (Music) Played with gradually increasing tempo.
STRINGENDO adv. (Italian) urging or hastening the time, as to a climax.
TURNROUNDSturnrounds n. Plural of turnround.
TURNROUND n. a change in fortunes.
UNDERNOTESundernotes n. Plural of undernote.
UNDERNOTE v. to note below.
UNDERTONESundertones n. Plural of undertone.
undertones v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of undertone.
UNDERTONE n. a subdued tone of voice, sound, colour, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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