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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing D, L, N, O, R, S and T

ANTIWORLDSantiworlds n. Plural of antiworld.
ANTIWORLD n. a hypothetical world composed of antimatter.
BLINDSTORYblindstory n. (Architecture) The triforium, as opposed to the clerestory.
BLINDSTORY n. a storey without windows, such as a gallery in a Gothic church, also BLINDSTOREY.
DECONTROLSdecontrols n. Plural of decontrol.
decontrols v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of decontrol.
DECONTROL v. to remove (esp. official) control from.
FORESTLANDforestland n. Land covered by trees; forests; woodlands.
FORESTLAND n. land occupied by forest.
INTERFOLDSinterfolds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of interfold.
INTERFOLD v. to fold together or within each other.
LANDDROSTSlanddrosts n. Plural of landdrost.
LANDDROST n. (South African) in South Africa, a district magistrate or sheriff, also LANDDROS.
NORTHLANDSnorthlands n. Plural of northland.
NORTHLAND n. the northern part of a country.
OUTLANDERSoutlanders n. Plural of outlander.
OUTLANDER n. a foreigner, also UITLANDER.
SANDLOTTERsandlotter n. (US) One who plays in a sandlot.
sandlotter n. (US) A supporter of the working-class, anti-Chinese political views of Denis Kearney in 19th-century California.
SANDLOTTER n. one who occupies a vacant lot.
STRANDWOLFstrandwolf n. (South Africa) The brown hyena (Hyaena brunnea).
STRANDWOLF n. the brown hyena that scavenges the shores in Africa.
STRODDLINGSTRODDLE v. (dialect) to straddle, also STRIDDLE, STRODLE.
STRONGHOLDstronghold n. A place built to withstand attack; a fortress.
stronghold n. (Figuratively) A place of domination by, or refuge or survival of, a particular group or idea.
STRONGHOLD n. a fortified place.
TENDRILOUStendrilous adj. Tendril-like.
tendrilous adj. Having many tendrils.
TRAINLOADStrainloads n. Plural of trainload.
TRAINLOAD n. what a train can carry.
ULTRASOUNDultrasound n. (Physics) Sound with a frequency greater than the upper limit of human hearing, which is approximately 20 kilohertz.
ultrasound n. (Medicine) The use of ultrasonic waves for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.
ultrasound v. (Transitive, intransitive) To treat with ultrasound.
UNDERPLOTSunderplots n. Plural of underplot.
UNDERPLOT n. a series of events in a play, proceeding collaterally with the main story, and subservient to it.
UNDULATORSundulators n. Plural of undulator.
UNDULATOR n. one that undulates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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