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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing D, L, N, O, P, R and U

ENDOPLEURAendopleura n. (Botany) The inner coating of a seed; the tegmen.
ENDOPLEURA n. the inner coating of a seed.
GROUNDPLOTGROUNDPLOT n. the plot of ground on which a building stands.
PLAYGROUNDplayground n. (Outdoors) A large open space for children to play on, usually having dedicated play equipment (such…
playground n. (Figuratively) Any physical or metaphysical space in which a person or organization has free rein to…
PLAYGROUND n. a piece of land used for and usually equipped with facilities for recreation esp. by children.
PLEURODONTpleurodont adj. (Zoology) Having the teeth fused (ankylosed) by their sides to the inner surface of the jawbones.
pleurodont n. (Zoology) Any reptile with teeth of this kind.
PLEURODONT adj. with teeth attached to the inside of the jawbone, rather than rooted in it.
PLUNDEROUSplunderous adj. Tending to plunder.
PLUNDEROUS adj. of or like plunder.
PROFOUNDLYprofoundly adv. (Manner) With depth, meaningfully.
profoundly adv. (Evaluative) Very importantly.
profoundly adv. (Degree) Deeply; very; strongly or forcefully.
SPLENDOURSsplendours n. Plural of splendour.
SPLENDOUR n. brilliance, magnificence, also SPLENDOR.
SPLENDROUSsplendrous adj. Splendid, having splendor.
SPLENDROUS adj. full of splendour, also SPLENDOROUS.
UNDEPLOREDundeplored adj. Not deplored.
UNDEPLORED adj. not deplored.
UNDERPLOTSunderplots n. Plural of underplot.
UNDERPLOT n. a series of events in a play, proceeding collaterally with the main story, and subservient to it.
UNEXPLOREDunexplored adj. Which has not been explored.
UNEXPLORED adj. not explored.
UNIMPLOREDunimplored adj. Not implored.
UNIMPLORED adj. not implored.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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