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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing D, L, N, 2O, S and U

CLOUDTOWNSCLOUDTOWN n. an imaginary situation or land, esp. as the result of wishful thinking, also CLOUDLAND.
DISULFOTONdisulfoton n. A highly toxic organothiophosphate insecticide and acaricide, O,O-diethyl S-2-ethylthioethyl phosphorodithioate.
DISULFOTON n. an organophosphorus systemic insecticide.
DOUBLETONSdoubletons n. Plural of doubleton.
DOUBLETON n. two cards that are the only ones of their suit dealt to a player.
HOWLROUNDSHOWLROUND n. a condition resulting in a howling noise when recording from a mike, also HOWLBACK.
NIDICOLOUSnidicolous adj. (Zoology) Tending to stay at the nest or birthplace for a long time after birth, due to dependence on…
NIDICOLOUS adj. remaining in the nest with the parents for a long time after birth.
SNOWMOULDSSNOWMOULD n. a fungus disease of grasses near the edge of melting snow, also SNOWMOLD.
SOLUTIONEDsolutioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of solution.
SOLUTION v. to provide with a solution.
SPONDYLOUSspondylous adj. Relating to spondyles; vertebral.
SPONDYLOUS adj. like a spondyl, a vertebra.
UNCONSOLEDunconsoled adj. Not consoled.
UNCONSOLED adj. not consoled.
UNDERCOOLSundercools v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of undercool.
UNDERCOOL v. to cool insufficiently.
UNDERWOOLSunderwools n. Plural of underwool.
UNDERWOOL n. the underneath part of a sheep's fleece.
UNLOOSENEDunloosened v. Simple past tense and past participle of unloosen.
UNLOOSEN v. to set free, also UNLOOSE.
UNSCHOOLEDunschooled adj. Not schooled; not having been to school.
unschooled adj. Inexperienced; not having developed skill or knowledge in some area.
unschooled v. Simple past tense and past participle of unschool.
WOLFHOUNDSwolfhounds n. Plural of wolfhound.
WOLFHOUND n. any of several breeds of a large domestic dog.
WONDROUSLYwondrously adv. In a wondrous way.
WONDROUS adv. strange, wonderful, also WONDEROUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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