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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing D, I, O, P, R, S and Y

CYPRINOIDScyprinoids n. Plural of cyprinoid.
CYPRINOID n. a member of the carp family, also CYPRINID.
DEPOSITARYdepositary adj. Acting as the trusted recipient of a deposit.
depositary n. One who receives goods or a deposit in trust.
depositary n. A place where deposits are kept.
DEPOSITORYdepository n. A place where something is deposited, as for storage, safekeeping, or preservation; a repository.
depository n. A trustee; a depositary.
DEPOSITORY n. a place where anything is deposited, also DEPOSITARY.
DYNORPHINSdynorphins n. Plural of dynorphin.
DYNORPHIN n. a drug used to treat cocaine addiction.
DYSMORPHICdysmorphic adj. Of, relative to, or producing dysmorphism.
DYSMORPHIC adj. obsessively concerned with supposed defects in one's appearance.
DYSPHORIASdysphorias n. Plural of dysphoria.
DYSPHORIA n. depression, pathological discontent.
DYSPROSIUMdysprosium n. A metallic chemical element (symbol Dy) with atomic number 66: a rare earth element with a metallic silver lustre.
DYSPROSIUM n. a rare-earth metal used in nuclear research.
DYSTROPHIAdystrophia n. Dystrophy.
DYSTROPHIA n. impaired or imperfect nutrition; any of several disorders in which there is wasting of muscle tissue, also DYSTROPHY.
DYSTROPHICdystrophic adj. Affected with dystrophy.
dystrophic adj. (Of a spring, lake &c) Having brownish acidic waters due to humus.
DYSTROPHIC adj. relating to dystrophia.
DYSTROPHINdystrophin n. (Biochemistry) A cytoplasmic structural protein that is deficient in some forms of muscular dystrophy.
DYSTROPHIN n. a protein essential to normal muscle function, found to be lacking in muscular dystrophy sufferers.
ERIOPHYIDSeriophyids n. Plural of eriophyid.
ERIOPHYID n. any of a large family of minute plant-feeding mites.
HYDROPSIEShydropsies n. Plural of hydropsy.
HYDROPSY n. (archaic) dropsy, also HYDROPS.
HYPODERMIShypodermis n. An epidermal layer of cells that secretes an overlying chitinous cuticle, as in arthropods.
hypodermis n. (Botany) A layer of cells lying immediately below the epidermis.
hypodermis n. (Anatomy) A subcutaneous layer of loose connective tissue containing fat cells, lying beneath the dermis.
PROCYONIDSprocyonids n. Plural of procyonid.
PROCYONID n. a member of the Procyonidae: racoons, coatis etc.
PTERYGOIDSpterygoids n. Plural of pterygoid.
PTERYGOID n. a paired bone of the upper jaw.
PYRAMIDONSpyramidons n. Plural of pyramidon.
PYRAMIDON n. an organ-stop with pipes like inverted pyramids.
PYRANOSIDEpyranoside n. (Biochemistry) Any glycoside of a pyranose.
PYRANOSIDE n. a glycoside containing the pyran ring.
PYRIDOXALSpyridoxals n. Plural of pyridoxal.
PYRIDOXAL n. a crystalline aldehyde of the vitamin B6 group.
PYRIDOXINSpyridoxins n. Plural of pyridoxin.
PYRIDOXIN n. a pyridine derivative, a member of the vitamin B complex, also PYRIDOXINE.
RADIOSCOPYradioscopy n. Examination of objects by the use of X-rays; radiology.
RADIOSCOPY n. examination of opaque bodies by X-rays.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 68 words
  • Scrabble in French: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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