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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing D, I, L, 2N, T and U

DAUNTINGLYdauntingly adv. In a daunting manner.
DAUNTING adv. DAUNT, to intimidate, also DANT.
DELINQUENTdelinquent adj. Late or failing to pay a debt or other financial obligation, like a mortgage or loan.
delinquent adj. Failing in or neglectful of a duty or obligation; guilty of a misdeed or offense.
delinquent n. One who disobeys or breaks rules or laws, or who acts against another’s wishes.
NIDULATIONnidulation n. The time of remaining in the nest.
nidulation n. The building of a nest.
NIDULATION n. nest-building.
NODULATIONnodulation n. The presence of nodules.
nodulation n. The process that forms nodules.
NODULATION n. the state of having nodules.
PINNULATEDpinnulated adj. (Zoology) Having pinnules.
PINNULATED adj. having each pinna subdivided, also PINNULATE.
UNDELETINGundeleting v. Present participle of undelete.
UNDELETE v. to undo the deletion of a computer file.
UNDULATINGundulating adj. Moving up and down like waves; wavy.
undulating adj. Forming a series of regular curves.
undulating v. Present participle of undulate.
UNDULATIONundulation n. An instance or act of undulating.
undulation n. A wavy appearance or outline; waviness.
undulation n. (Music) A tremulous tone produced by a peculiar pressure of the finger on a string.
UNENTAILEDunentailed adj. Without an entail.
UNENTAILED adj. not entailed.
UNENTITLEDunentitled adj. Not entitled; ineligible.
UNENTITLED adj. not entitled.
UNINFLATEDuninflated adj. Not inflated.
UNINFLATED adj. not inflated.
UNLISTENEDunlistened adj. Not listened (With "to", "for", etc.).
UNLISTENED adj. not listened to.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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