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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing D, 2I, 2N, R and T

DETRAININGdetraining v. Present participle of detrain.
DETRAIN v. to alight from a train.
DINITROGENdinitrogen n. (Chemistry) the normal nitrogen molecule having two atoms.
dinitrogen n. (Chemistry, used in combination) two atoms of nitrogen as part of some other compound.
DINITROGEN adj. denoting a chemical compound containing two nitrogen atoms.
DINNERTIMEdinnertime n. The time when dinner takes place.
dinnertime n. (Britain) The midday break in English schools (some areas), lunchtime.
dinner-time n. Alternative spelling of dinnertime.
DISENTRAINdisentrain v. To disembark from a train.
disentrain v. To precipitate out of a flowing current.
disentrain v. To disrupt an organism’s circadian rhythm so that it is not aligned with its environment.
INDURATINGindurating v. Present participle of indurate.
INDURATE v. to make hard, callous or unfeeling.
INDURATIONinduration n. Hardness.
induration n. Process of becoming hard.
induration n. (Medicine) Hardening of an area of the body as a reaction to inflammation, hyperemia, or neoplastic infiltration.
INGREDIENTingredient n. One of the substances present in a mixture, especially food.
INGREDIENT n. something that enters into a mixture or compound.
INORDINATEinordinate adj. Excessive; unreasonable or inappropriate in magnitude; extreme.
INORDINATE adj. exceeding reasonable limits.
INTERDINEDinterdined v. Simple past tense and past participle of interdine.
INTERDINE v. to eat together.
INTERDINESinterdines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of interdine.
INTERDINE v. to eat together.
INTERLINEDinterlined v. Simple past tense and past participle of interline.
INTERLINE v. to write or insert between lines already written or printed, as for correction or addition.
INTERMEDINintermedin n. (Biochemistry) A melanocyte-stimulating hormone.
INTERMEDIN n. a messenger hormone.
INTERWINDSinterwinds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of interwind.
INTERWIND v. to wind in among.
NITRIDINGSnitridings n. Plural of nitriding.
NITRIDING n. conversion into a nitride.
ORDINATINGordinating v. Present participle of ordinate.
ORDINATE v. to subject to (statistical) ordination.
ORDINATIONordination n. The act of ordaining or the state of being ordained.
ordination n. (Christianity) The ceremony in which a priest is consecrated, considered a sacrament in the Catholic…
ordination n. (Buddhism) the ceremony in which a bhikkhu or bhikkhuni is ordained into the sangha.
RANITIDINEranitidine n. (Pharmacology) A furan (trademark Zantac) which blocks the histamine H2-receptors, to prevent the secretion…
RENDITIONSrenditions n. Plural of rendition.
renditions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rendition.
RENDITION v. to surrender (fugitives from justice) at the claim of a foreign government.
TRIANDRIANtriandrian adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the Triandria; having three distinct and equal stamens in the same flower.
TRIANDRIAN adj. of or pertaining to the Triandria; having three distinct and equal stamens in the same flower, also TRIANDROUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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