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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing D, 3I, N and 2T

ANTIADITISantiaditis n. (Archaic, rare) tonsillitis.
ANTIADITIS n. tonsillitis.
DIETITIANSdietitians n. Plural of dietitian.
DIETITIAN n. an expert on diet, also DIETICIAN, DIETIST.
DIGITATIONdigitation n. (Obsolete) Touching; manipulation with the fingers.
digitation n. (Zoology, botany) Any of various finger-like processes (outgrowths) found in plant and animal tissues.
DIGITATION n. a division into fingers or fingerlike processes.
DITHIONITEdithionite n. (Chemistry) any salt or ester of dithionous acid, H2S2O4.
DITHIONITE n. any salt of dithionous acid.
IDENTIKITSidentikits n. Plural of identikit.
IDENTIKIT n. a reconstructed picture of a person (esp. a suspect sought by police) assembled from features described by a witness or witnesses.
IDENTITIESidentities n. Plural of identity.
IDENTITY n. the essential character of a person or thing.
INDISTINCTindistinct adj. (Of an image etc) not clearly defined or not having a sharp outline; faint or dim.
indistinct adj. (Of a thought, idea etc) hazy or vague.
indistinct adj. (Of speech) difficult to understand through being muffled or slurred.
INTIMIDATEintimidate v. (Transitive) To make timid or afraid; to cause to feel fear or nervousness; to deter, especially by…
INTIMIDATE v. to make timid or fearful.
TENDINITIStendinitis n. Inflammation of a tendon.
TENDINITIS n. inflammation of a tendon, also TENDONITIS.
TIDIVATINGtidivating v. Present participle of tidivate.
TIDIVATE v. to smarten up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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