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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing D, H, I, L, O, P and R

CHILDPROOFchildproof adj. Designed to be unable for a child to use, operate, or open.
childproof adj. Made safe for children.
childproof adj. Made safe from children; resistant to damage by children.
DOLLARSHIPdollarship n. Monetary concerns; the power of money.
DOLLARSHIP n. the domain of the dollar.
DROPLIGHTSdroplights n. Plural of droplight.
drop␣lights n. Plural of drop light.
DROPLIGHT n. an apparatus for bringing artificial light down from a chandelier nearer to a table or desk.
DROSOPHILAdrosophila n. Any fruit fly of the genus Drosophila.
Drosophila prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Drosophilidae – the fruit flies.
DROSOPHILA n. a kind of fruit-fly.
HOLDERSHIPholdership n. The state of being a holder; the condition of having rights to something.
holdership n. The legal right to possess and use something that is owned by someone else.
HOLDERSHIP n. the state of being a holder e.g. of a bill.
HYDROPHILEhydrophile n. (Chemistry) Any hydrophilic substance.
hydrophile n. (Zoology) Any organism that thrives in the presence of water.
hydrophile adj. Hydrophilic.
HYDROPHILYhydrophily n. A form of pollination whereby pollen is distributed by the flow of waters, particularly in rivers and streams.
HYDROPHILY n. an affinity for water.
HYPERPLOIDhyperploid adj. (Genetics) Having a number of chromosomes that exceeds an exact multiple of the haploid number.
hyperploid adj. (Medicine) Having a number of chromosomes that exceeds the diploid number.
hyperploid n. A hyperploid organism.
POLYHEDRICpolyhedric adj. Polyhedral; many-sided.
POLYHEDRIC adj. having many faces or planes, also POLYHEDRAL.
POLYHYBRIDpolyhybrid n. A hybrid whose parents differ in several ways.
POLYHYBRID n. a plant hybridised from many sources.
POLYHYDRICpolyhydric adj. (Chemistry) containing two or more hydroxy groups.
POLYHYDRIC adj. having several hydroxyl groups.
PREHOLIDAYpreholiday adj. Before a holiday.
PREHOLIDAY adj. taking place before a holiday.
REPOLISHEDrepolished v. Simple past tense and past participle of repolish.
REPOLISH v. to polish again.
SPHEROIDALspheroidal adj. Like a spheroid; roughly spherical.
spheroidal n. A spheroid.
SPHEROIDAL adj. having the form of a spheroid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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