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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing D, E, N, P, 2R and U

ENRAPTUREDenraptured v. Simple past tense and past participle of enrapture.
enraptured adj. Marked by fondness; filled with delight.
ENRAPTURE v. to delight.
PERDURANCEperdurance n. Permanence, persistence.
PERDURANCE n. lastingness, endurance, also PERDURATION.
PLUNDERERSplunderers n. Plural of plunderer.
PLUNDERER n. one who plunders.
PROFOUNDERprofounder adj. Comparative form of profound: more profound.
PROFOUND adj. very deep.
PROPOUNDERpropounder n. One who propounds.
PROPOUNDER n. one who propounds.
SURPRINTEDsurprinted v. Simple past tense and past participle of surprint.
SURPRINT v. to print over printing.
UNDERPARTSunderparts n. Plural of underpart.
UNDERPART n. a subordinate part.
UNDERPRICEunderprice v. To set a price at less than the value of an item.
underprice v. To sell at a lower price than another (especially than a competitor).
UNDERPRICE v. to price below the real value.
UNDERPRISEUNDERPRISE v. (obsolete) to value too little.
UNDERPRIZEunderprize v. (Transitive) To undervalue; to underestimate.
UNDERPRIZE v. to value too little.
UNDERPROOFunderproof adj. Having a lower alcohol content than proof spirit.
underproof v. (Baking) To proof insufficiently.
UNDERPROOF adj. containing less alcohol than proof spirit.
UNDERPROPSunderprops v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underprop.
UNDERPROP v. to prop from beneath.
UNDERTRUMPundertrump v. (Card games) To play a lower trump card than the previous one in a trick.
UNDERTRUMP v. to play a lower trump on a trick to which a higher trump has already been played.
UNPERJUREDunperjured adj. Not belied by perjury; genuine, honest.
UNPERJURED adj. not perjured.
UNPREPAREDunprepared adj. Not prepared; caught by surprise.
unprepared n. A black mark given to a pupil who arrives at a lesson without the necessary items or preparation.
UNPREPARE v. to make unprepared.
UNREPAIREDunrepaired adj. Not repaired.
UNREPAIRED adj. not repaired.
UNREPORTEDunreported adj. Not reported.
UNREPORTED adj. not reported.
UNREPROVEDunreproved adj. Not reproved.
UNREPROVED adj. not reproved.
UNRUPTUREDunruptured adj. (Medicine) Not having ruptured yet.
UNRUPTURED adj. not ruptured.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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