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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing D, E, M, N, P and 2S

AMPERSANDSampersands n. Plural of ampersand.
AMPERSAND n. the and sign &, also AMPERZAND.
DAMPNESSESdampnesses n. Plural of dampness.
DAMPNESS n. the state of being damp.
ENDOPLASMSendoplasms n. Plural of endoplasm.
ENDOPLASM n. the protoplasm in the interior of a cell.
ENDOSPERMSendosperms n. Plural of endosperm.
ENDOSPERM n. in a seed, nutritive tissue formed from the embryo-sac.
LIMPIDNESSlimpidness n. The property of being limpid, clarity.
LIMPIDNESS n. the quality of being limpid.
MANSPREADSmanspreads v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of manspread.
MANSPREAD v. of a man, to sit with the legs spread wide apart (as in a public seating area) in a way that intrudes on the space of others.
MINDSCAPESmindscapes n. Plural of mindscape.
MINDSCAPE n. the range of a person's thoughts and imagination, regarded as a panorama.
MISSPENDERmisspender n. One who misspends.
MISSPENDER n. one who misspends.
PANDERISMSpanderisms n. Plural of panderism.
PANDERISM n. the employment, arts, or practices of a pander.
PASSMENTEDPASSMENT v. to trim with braid.
PEDANTISMSpedantisms n. Plural of pedantism.
PEDANTISM n. pedantry, also PEDANTICISM.
PSEUDONYMSpseudonyms n. Plural of pseudonym.
PSEUDONYM n. a fictitious name assumed for the time, as by an author.
SPODUMENESspodumenes n. Plural of spodumene.
SPODUMENE n. a monoclinic pyroxene, a silicate of aluminium and lithium occurring in granite pegmatites.
SUPERMINDSsuperminds n. Plural of supermind.
SUPERMIND n. a more than human intelligence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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