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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing D, E, L, 2N, O and R

CLARENDONSClarendons prop.n. Plural of Clarendon.
CLARENDON n. a form of condensed roman type having a heavy face.
CRINOLINEDcrinolined adj. Wearing a crinoline skirt.
CRINOLINED adj. wearing a crinoline.
ENDOCRINALendocrinal adj. Endocrine.
ENDOCRINAL adj. relating to the endocrine gland, also ENDOCRINIC.
FORLENDINGforlending v. Present participle of forlend.
FORLEND v. (archaic) to grant or resign beforehand, also FORELEND.
HORNBLENDEhornblende n. (Mineralogy) A green to black amphibole mineral, of complex structure, formed in the late stages of…
HORNBLENDE n. the common black, or dark green or brown, variety of amphibole.
INTERNODALinternodal adj. Of or pertaining to an internode.
internodal adj. Situated or acting between nodes.
INTERNODAL adj. between nodes, also INTERNODIAL.
LANDOWNERSlandowners n. Plural of landowner.
LANDOWNER n. one who owns land.
LOUNDERINGloundering v. Present participle of lounder.
loundering n. (UK, dialectal, chiefly Northern England, archaic) A beating.
LOUNDERING n. a beating, thumping.
NANDROLONEnandrolone n. (Pharmacology) A semisynthetic anabolic steroid C18H26O2 derived from testosterone that is used in the…
NANDROLONE n. an androgenic anabolic steroid that is illegally used as a performance-enhancing drug by some athletes.
NONCOLOREDnoncolored adj. Not colored.
NONCOLORED adj. not coloured, also NONCOLOURED.
NONDEALERSnondealers n. Plural of nondealer.
NONDEALER n. one who is not a (drug) dealer.
NONDURABLEnondurable adj. (Economics) Providing useful services for only one period, especially a year.
nondurable n. (Economics) A nondurable good.
NONDURABLE n. goods that are not durable.
NONFEDERALnonfederal adj. Not federal.
non-federal adj. Alternative form of nonfederal.
NONFEDERAL adj. not federal.
TENDERLOINtenderloin n. The tenderest part of a loin of meat, especially of pork or beef.
tenderloin n. (Dated, US slang) A district of a city where corruption is common, often because the district is devoted…
Tenderloin prop.n. (Historical) A neighborhood of varying extent in midtown Manhattan, New York known for illicit entertainment…
WONDERLANDwonderland n. An imaginary or real place full of wonder or marvels.
WONDERLAND n. an imaginary place of delicate beauty or magical charm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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