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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing D, E, 3I, S and U

CUPIDITIEScupidities n. Plural of cupidity.
CUPIDITY n. avarice, greed.
DISUNITIESdisunities n. Plural of disunity.
DISUNITY n. lack of unity.
FLUIDIFIESfluidifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fluidify.
FLUIDIFY v. to make fluid, also FLUIDIZE, FLUIDISE.
FLUIDITIESfluidities n. Plural of fluidity.
FLUIDITY n. the quality of being able to flow.
HUMIDIFIEShumidifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of humidify.
HUMIDIFY v. to make humid.
HUMIDITIEShumidities n. Plural of humidity.
HUMIDITY n. the amount of moisture in the air.
LIQUIDIESTLIQUIDY adj. having the nature of a liquid, flowing freely.
LIQUIDISEDliquidised v. Simple past tense and past participle of liquidise.
LIQUIDISE v. to make esp. food liquid, also LIQUIDIZE.
LIQUIDISERliquidiser n. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of liquidizer.
LIQUIDISER n. a device for liquidising, also LIQUIDIZER.
LIQUIDISESliquidises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of liquidise.
LIQUIDISE v. to make esp. food liquid, also LIQUIDIZE.
LIQUIDIZESliquidizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of liquidize.
LIQUIDIZE v. to make esp. food liquid, also LIQUIDISE.
LUCIDITIESlucidities n. Plural of lucidity.
LUCIDITY n. the quality of being lucid.
PUDICITIESpudicities n. Plural of pudicity.
PUDICITY n. modesty; chastity.
QUIDDITIESquiddities n. Plural of quiddity.
QUIDDITY n. the inherent nature of something, also QUIDDIT.
QUINIDINESquinidines n. Plural of quinidine.
QUINIDINE n. a cinchona alkaloid, which is an optically active isomer of quinine and is used to treat cardiac arrhythmia.
SEMILIQUIDsemiliquid adj. Having properties intermediate between those of a solid and a liquid.
semiliquid adj. Somewhat liquid; able to flow or change, but not entirely freely.
semiliquid n. Any substance with properties intermediate between those of a solid and a liquid.
SIMILITUDEsimilitude n. (Uncountable) Similarity or resemblance to something else.
similitude n. (Countable) A way in which two people or things share similitude.
similitude n. (Countable) Someone or something that closely resembles another; a duplicate or twin.
TUMIDITIEStumidities n. Plural of tumidity.
TUMIDITY n. the state of being tumid, swollen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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