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There are 19 ten-letter words containing D, E, 3I, N and R

BILIVERDINbiliverdin n. (Biochemistry) A green tetrapyrrolic bile pigment, a product of heme catabolism, responsible for the…
BILIVERDIN n. a green pigment present in the bile.
DIMERISINGdimerising v. Present participle of dimerise.
DIMERISE v. to make into a dimer, also DIMERIZE.
DIMERIZINGdimerizing v. Present participle of dimerize.
DIMERIZE v. to make into a dimer, also DIMERISE.
DISINHERITdisinherit v. (Transitive) To exclude from inheritance; to disown.
DISINHERIT v. to deprive of an inheritance, also DISHERIT.
ENCHIRIDIAenchiridia n. Plural of enchiridion.
ENCHIRIDION n. a manual or handbook, also ENCHEIRIDION.
IDENTIFIERidentifier n. Someone who identifies; a person who establishes the identity of someone or something.
identifier n. Something that identifies or uniquely points to something or someone else.
identifier n. One who identifies as a particular type or role; one who says and believes that they are a certain thing.
INSPIRITEDinspirited v. Simple past tense and past participle of inspirit.
INSPIRIT v. to animate or encourage.
INTERRADIIinterradii n. Plural of interradius.
INTERRADIUS n. a radius midway between primary radii or perradii.
IRIDOSMINEiridosmine n. A native compound of iridium and osmium.
IRIDOSMINE n. a very hard corrosion-resistant white or grey natural alloy of osmium and iridium used esp. in pen nibs, also IRIDOSMIUM, OSMIRIDIUM.
PERIDINIANPERIDINIAN n. a dinoflagellate, a kind of marine protozoan, also PERIDINIUM.
PERIDINIUMPeridinium prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Peridiniaceae – certain dinoflagellates.
PERIDINIUM n. a dinoflagellate, a kind of marine protozoan, also PERIDINIAN.
PIPERIDINEpiperidine n. (Organic chemistry) An alicyclic heterocycle, containing 5 carbon atoms and one nitrogen atom, formally…
PIPERIDINE n. an oily liquid alkaloid having a hot, peppery, ammoniacal odor.
PRINCIFIEDprincified adj. (Colloquial) imitative of a prince; haughty.
PRINCIFIED adj. imitative of a prince.
PYRIMIDINEpyrimidine n. (Organic chemistry) A diazine in which the two nitrogen atoms are in the meta- positions; it is the…
PYRIMIDINE n. a compound found in DNA.
RANITIDINEranitidine n. (Pharmacology) A furan (trademark Zantac) which blocks the histamine H2-receptors, to prevent the secretion…
REDIVIDINGredividing v. Present participle of redivide.
REDIVIDE v. to divide again.
REDIVISIONredivision n. Division again or anew.
REDIVISION n. the act of dividing again.
RESINIFIEDresinified v. Simple past tense and past participle of resinify.
RESINIFY v. to convert into resin.
RHINITIDESrhinitides n. Plural of rhinitis.
RHINITIS n. inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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