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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing D, E, G, O, 2S and T

DECONGESTSdecongests v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of decongest.
DECONGEST v. to relieve or end the congestion of.
DIGESTIONSdigestions n. Plural of digestion.
DIGESTION n. the act of digesting.
DISGESTIONdisgestion n. Obsolete form of digestion.
DISGESTION n. digestion.
DOGMATISESdogmatises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dogmatise.
DOGMATISE v. to assert positively, also DOGMATIZE.
DOWNSTAGESdownstages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of downstage.
DOWNSTAGE n. the front of a stage.
DRUGSTORESdrugstores n. Plural of drugstore.
drug␣stores n. Plural of drug store.
DRUGSTORE n. (US) a chemist's shop.
GEODESISTSgeodesists n. Plural of geodesist.
GEODESIST n. one versed in geodesy, the branch of mathematics that deals with the shape and area of the earth.
GLADSOMESTgladsomest adj. Superlative form of gladsome: most gladsome.
GLADSOME adj. feeling pleasure.
GLADSTONESGladstones n. Plural of Gladstone.
GLADSTONE n. a four-wheeled pleasure carriage with two inside seats, calash top, and seats for driver and footman.
GOLDCRESTSgoldcrests n. Plural of goldcrest.
GOLDCREST n. a small bird of the wren family, with a golden streak on its head.
GOLDSTONESgoldstones n. Plural of goldstone.
GOLDSTONE n. a mineral, aventurine with gold-colored inclusions.
GUIDEPOSTSguideposts n. Plural of guidepost.
GUIDEPOST n. a post to guide the traveller.
OUTDESIGNSoutdesigns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outdesign.
OUTDESIGN v. to surpass in designing.
OUTGROSSEDoutgrossed v. Simple past tense and past participle of outgross.
OUTGROSS v. to surpass in gross earnings.
OUTGUESSEDoutguessed v. Simple past tense and past participle of outguess.
OUTGUESS v. to anticipate the actions of.
SIGNPOSTEDsignposted v. Simple past tense and past participle of signpost.
SIGNPOST v. to provide with posts bearing signs.
SOUNDSTAGEsoundstage n. Alternative form of sound stage.
sound␣stage n. (Film, television) A soundproof room or building used for the production of movies or of television programmes.
SOUNDSTAGE n. the soundproof area of a motion picture studio.
SPLODGIESTsplodgiest adj. Superlative form of splodgy: most splodgy.
SPLODGY adj. covered with splodges.
STEGODONTSstegodonts n. Plural of stegodont.
STEGODONT n. an extinct mammal with ridged teeth, also STEGODON.
STODGINESSstodginess n. The state or quality of being stodgy.
STODGINESS n. the state of being stodgy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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