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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing D, E, F, L, N, O and U

CONFUSEDLYconfusedly adv. In a confused manner.
CONFUSED adv. CONFUSE, to mix up mentally.
DEFLUXIONSdefluxions n. Plural of defluxion.
DEFLUXION n. (obsolete) a discharge or flowing of humors or fluid matter, as from the nose in catarrh.
ENDOSULFANendosulfan n. (Chemistry) a toxic chlorinated polycyclic insecticide used to control mites.
ENDOSULFAN n. a brownish crystalline insecticide.
FLOUNDEREDfloundered v. Simple past tense and past participle of flounder.
FLOUNDER v. to struggle clumsily.
FLUNKEYDOMflunkeydom n. The state of a being a flunkey.
FLUNKEYDOM n. the world of flunkeys.
FOULDERINGfouldering v. Present participle of foulder.
FOULDER v. (Spenser) to thunder.
FUNDHOLDERfundholder n. (Britain) A general practitioner who manages his or her own budget, purchasing healthcare from one or…
fundholder n. One who has money in the public funds.
FUNDHOLDER n. a person who has money in public funds.
OUTFLANKEDoutflanked v. Simple past tense and past participle of outflank.
out-flanked v. Simple past tense and past participle of out-flank.
OUTFLANK v. to circumvent.
SULFONATEDsulfonated v. Simple past tense and past participle of sulfonate.
sulfonated adj. Treated or reacted with a sulfonic acid.
sulfonated adj. Modified by the addition of a sulfonate group.
UNDERFLOORunderfloor adj. Located beneath the floor.
underfloor n. A layer of flooring beneath the main floor surface.
UNDERFLOOR adj. situated underneath a floor e.g. heating.
UNDERFLOWSunderflows n. Plural of underflow.
UNDERFLOW n. an undercurrent.
UNFELLOWEDunfellowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unfellow.
unfellowed adj. Without a fellow; unmatched.
UNFELLOWED adj. being without a fellow.
UNFLAVOREDunflavored adj. Not flavored; having no flavor.
UNFLAVORED adj. not flavored, also UNFLAVOURED.
UNFOLDMENTunfoldment n. Unfolding.
UNFOLDMENT n. the act of unfolding, or the state of being unfolded.
UNFOLLOWEDunfollowed adj. Not followed.
unfollowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unfollow.
UNFOLLOW v. to decline to receive messages from (a person who is posting on a social media site).
UNFORCEDLYunforcedly adv. In an unforced manner; naturally, voluntarily.
UNFORCED adv. not forced.
UNFORDABLEunfordable adj. (Of a body of water) unable to be forded.
UNFORDABLE adj. that cannot be forded.
UNFORETOLDunforetold adj. Not foretold; unforeseen.
UNFORETOLD adj. not foretold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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