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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing D, E, F, G, I, N and S

DEAFENINGSdeafenings n. Plural of deafening.
DEAFENING n. the act of making deaf.
DEFOCUSINGdefocusing v. Present participle of defocus.
DEFOCUS v. to cause to go out of focus.
DEFROSTINGdefrosting v. Present participle of defrost.
defrosting n. The process by which something is defrosted.
DEFROSTING n. the act of removing frost from.
DENSIFYINGdensifying v. Present participle of densify.
DENSIFY v. to increase the density of.
DISLEAFINGdisleafing v. Present participle of disleaf.
DISLEAF v. to deprive of leaves, also DISLEAVE.
FEEDGRAINSfeedgrains n. Plural of feedgrain.
feed␣grains n. Plural of feed grain.
FEEDGRAIN n. cereal grown to feed livestock.
FLEDGLINGSfledglings n. Plural of fledgling.
FLEDGLING n. a young bird just fledged, also FLEDGELING.
FODDERINGSfodderings n. Plural of foddering.
FODDERING n. the act of providing fodder.
FRIENDINGSfriendings n. Plural of friending.
FRIENDING n. the act of making a friend.
FRIGIDNESSfrigidness n. The state of being frigid; frigidity; coldness.
FRIGIDNESS n. the state of being frigid.
FUNGICIDESfungicides n. Plural of fungicide.
FUNGICIDE n. an agent that kills fungi.
GIFTEDNESSgiftedness n. The property of being gifted.
GIFTEDNESS n. the state of being gifted.
MISFEEDINGmisfeeding v. Present participle of misfeed.
MISFEED v. to feed incorrectly.
MISFEIGNEDMISFEIGN v. (Spenser) to feign with evil intent.
REFEEDINGSrefeedings n. Plural of refeeding.
REFEEDING n. the act of feeding again.
REFUNDINGSrefundings n. Plural of refunding.
REFUNDING n. the act of giving back what has been paid.
SANGUIFIEDsanguified v. Simple past tense and past participle of sanguify.
SANGUIFY v. to make blood.
SDEIGNFULLSDEIGNFULL adj. (obsolete) disdainful.
SIGNIFIEDSsignifieds n. Plural of signified.
SIGNIFIED n. that which is meant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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