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There are 18 ten-letter words containing D, 2E, L, M, S and U

CUDDLESOMEcuddlesome adj. Characterised or marked by cuddling; cuddly.
CUDDLESOME adj. cuddly.
DEMULCENTSdemulcents n. Plural of demulcent.
DEMULCENT n. an emulsifier; something soothing.
EMULSIFIEDemulsified v. Simple past tense and past participle of emulsify.
EMULSIFY v. to convert into an emulsion.
FIELDMOUSEfieldmouse n. Alternative spelling of field mouse.
field␣mouse n. (North America) A small vole such as the meadow vole.
field␣mouse n. One of several species of mice in genus Apodemus found in Eurasia and Africa.
LUMINESCEDluminesced v. Simple past tense and past participle of luminesce.
LUMINESCE v. to show luminescence.
MEASUREDLYmeasuredly adv. In a measured fashion.
MEASURED adv. MEASURE, to compare with a standard.
MISDEEMFULMISDEEMFUL adj. having a mistaken judgment of.
MULTIPEDESmultipedes n. Plural of multipede.
MULTIPEDE n. an insect having many feet, as a myriapod, also MULTIPED.
MULTISPEEDmultispeed adj. Capable of operating at multiple speeds.
MULTISPEED adj. of e.g. a bicycle, having many gears.
MUSCADELLEMUSCADELLE n. a rich spicy wine derived from muscat grapes, also MUSCADEL, MUSCATEL.
OUTSMELLEDoutsmelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of outsmell.
OUTSMELL v. to surpass in smelling.
PRESUMEDLYpresumedly adv. (Rare) In a way that is presumed; expectedly; presumably.
PRESUMED adv. PRESUME, to take for granted.
REMOULADESremoulades n. Plural of remoulade.
rémoulades n. Plural of rémoulade.
REMOULADE n. (French) a piquant sauce, also REMOLADE.
SEMIFEUDALsemifeudal adj. Having certain aspects of feudalism.
SEMIFEUDAL adj. half feudal.
SMOULDEREDsmouldered v. Simple past tense and past participle of smoulder.
SMOULDER v. to burn with no flame, also SMOLDER.
SMUDGELESSSMUDGELESS adj. without a smudge.
SUPERMODELsupermodel n. A highly paid, famous fashion model.
supermodel n. (Dated) A technological improvement over an invention’s previous model.
SUPERMODEL n. a famous and successful fashion model.
UNMOLESTEDunmolested adj. Not molested.
UNMOLESTED adj. not molested.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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