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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing D, 2E, H, L and 2O

ALDOHEXOSEaldohexose n. (Biochemistry) Any hexose containing an aldehyde group.
ALDOHEXOSE n. a class of sugars, including glucose.
BEADLEHOODbeadlehood n. Beadledom.
BEADLEHOOD n. the office of beadle, also BEADLEDOM.
COOLHEADEDcoolheaded adj. Having an even temper; calm and collected.
cool-headed adj. Calm and imperturbable, especially under pressure.
COOLHEADED adj. not easily excited.
DESCHOOLEDdeschooled v. Simple past tense and past participle of deschool.
DESCHOOL v. to educate children in a less formal way.
DESCHOOLERdeschooler n. A practitioner of deschooling.
DESCHOOLER n. one who deschools, frees children from the constraints of traditional learning.
GENTLEHOODgentlehood n. The state of being of good or gentle birth; good breeding.
GENTLEHOOD n. (archaic) position or character attaching to gentle birth.
MOTHERLODEmotherlode n. Alternative form of mother lode.
mother-lode n. Alternative form of mother lode.
mother␣lode n. (Geology) A large or rich vein of gold or of another precious mineral from which other branches extend.
PEOPLEHOODpeoplehood n. The collective sense of being part of a distinct people.
PEOPLEHOOD n. the state of constituting a people.
RESCHOOLEDreschooled v. Simple past tense and past participle of reschool.
RESCHOOL v. to school again.
THEODOLITEtheodolite n. A surveying instrument, consisting of a small mounted telescope, used to measure horizontal and vertical angles.
THEODOLITE n. a surveying instrument for measuring angles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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