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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 16 ten-letter words containing D, 2E, G, 2O and S

BODEGUEROSbodegueros n. Plural of bodeguero.
BODEGUERO n. (Spanish) a man who owns or runs a bodega.
DEMOLOGIESDEMOLOGY n. the study of human behaviour.
EAGLEWOODSEAGLEWOOD n. a kind of fragrant wood, aka agalloch.
ENDOGENOUSendogenous adj. Produced, originating or growing from within.
endogenous adj. Of a natural process: caused by factors within the body.
ENDOGENOUS adj. produced or growing from within.
GEOLOGISEDgeologised v. Simple past tense and past participle of geologise.
GEOLOGISE v. to engage in geology, also GEOLOGIZE.
GOODNESSESgoodnesses n. Plural of goodness.
GOODNESS n. the state of being good.
GOOSEHERDSgooseherds n. Plural of gooseherd.
GOOSEHERD n. one who looks after geese.
GREASEWOODgreasewood n. Spiny shrubs containing oil, of the genus Sarcobatus, native to the United States, especially Sarcobatus vermiculatus.
greasewood n. Any of several other North American desert shrubs with glossy or resinous leaves.
GREASEWOOD n. a name for various oily American shrubs of the goosefoot family, also GREASEBUSH.
GREENWOODSgreenwoods n. Plural of greenwood.
green-woods n. Plural of green-wood (alternative form of greenwoods).
green␣woods n. Plural of green wood.
IDEOLOGIESideologies n. Plural of ideology.
IDEOLOGY n. the science of ideas.
IDEOLOGISEideologise v. Alternative spelling of ideologize.
IDEOLOGISE v. to render ideological, also IDEOLOGIZE.
IDEOLOGUESideologues n. Plural of ideologue.
IDEOLOGUE n. a doctrinaire adherent of an ideology, also IDEALOGUE.
LODGEPOLESlodgepoles n. Plural of lodgepole.
lodge␣poles n. Plural of lodge pole.
LODGEPOLE n. a pole used in the construction of a Native American lodge.
NEOLOGISEDneologised v. Simple past tense and past participle of neologise.
NEOLOGISE v. to introduce or use new words or terms or new uses of old words, also NEOLOGIZE.
OVERDOSAGEoverdosage n. Excessive dosage; taking too much of a pharmaceutical drug.
OVERDOSAGE n. an overdose.
PEDOLOGIESPEDOLOGY n. the study of the growth and development of children, also PAEDOLOGY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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