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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing D, 2E, G, I, S and V

DECEIVINGSdeceivings n. Plural of deceiving.
DECEIVING n. the act of deceiving.
DEGRESSIVEdegressive adj. Tending to decrease.
degressive adj. Decreasing in steps.
DEGRESSIVE adj. showing degression, a gradual decrease, a reduction in taxes.
DEMIVEGGESDEMIVEG n. a person who eats no red meat, but eats poultry and fish.
DESERVINGSdeservings n. Plural of deserving.
DESERVING n. the act of deserving.
DIGESTIVESdigestives n. Plural of digestive.
DIGESTIVE n. something which promotes digestion.
DIGRESSIVEdigressive adj. Marked by digression; rambling.
DIGRESSIVE adj. characterized by digressions.
GERUNDIVESgerundives n. Plural of gerundive.
GERUNDIVE n. a Latin verbal adjective expressing necessity.
GRAVESIDESgravesides n. Plural of graveside.
GRAVESIDE n. the area around a grave.
OVERDESIGNoverdesign v. (Transitive, intransitive) To design too specifically or to too great an extent, as by including unnecessary features.
overdesign n. Designing too specifically or to too great an extent.
OVERDESIGN v. to design to excess.
SELVEDGINGselvedging v. Present participle of selvedge.
SELVEDGE v. to border a fabric to prevent fraying, also SELVAGE.
WAVEGUIDESwaveguides n. Plural of waveguide.
WAVEGUIDE n. in electronics, a hollow metal conductor through which high-frequency energy can be propagated efficiently.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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