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There are 20 ten-letter words containing D, 3E, F and 2R

BEFRIENDERbefriender n. One who befriends.
BEFRIENDER n. one who befriends others.
DEBRIEFERSdebriefers n. Plural of debriefer.
DEBRIEFER n. one who debriefs.
DEFERRABLEdeferrable adj. That can be deferred.
deferrable n. Something that can be deferred.
DEFERRABLE adj. that can be deferred, also DEFERABLE.
DEFLOWERERdeflowerer n. One who deflowers.
DEFLOWERER n. one who deflowers.
DEFORESTERdeforester n. One who clears an area of forest.
DEFORESTER n. one who deforests.
FEDERARIESfederaries n. Plural of federary.
FEDERARY n. (Shakespeare) a confederate, also FEDARIE, FEDERARIE, FOEDARIE.
FREEDIVERSfreedivers n. Plural of freediver.
free-divers n. Plural of free-diver.
free␣divers n. Plural of free diver.
FREEHOLDERfreeholder n. A person who holds tenure by freehold.
FREEHOLDER n. a person who possesses a freehold.
FREELOADERfreeloader n. One who does not contribute or pay appropriately; one who gets a free ride, etc. without paying a fair share.
freeloader n. (UK, New Zealand, Canada) An individual who takes expired unsold merchandise from the back of supermarket premises.
FREELOADER n. one who freeloads.
INTERFEREDinterfered v. Simple past tense and past participle of interfere.
INTERFERE v. to intervene, come in the way.
OVERFEAREDoverfeared v. Simple past tense and past participle of overfear.
OVERFEAR v. to fear too much.
REENFORCEDreenforced v. Simple past tense and past participle of reenforce.
re-enforced v. Simple past tense and past participle of re-enforce.
REENFORCE v. to strengthen with new force, assistance, material, or support, also REINFORCE, RENFORCE.
REFERENCEDreferenced v. Simple past tense and past participle of reference.
REFERENCE v. to refer to.
REFERENDUMreferendum n. (Politics) A direct popular vote on a proposed law or constitutional amendment. The adposition on is…
referendum n. An action, choice, etc., which is perceived as passing judgment on another matter.
REFERENDUM n. (Latin) the process or principle of referring an important political question to the nation as a whole.
REFILTEREDrefiltered v. Simple past tense and past participle of refilter.
REFILTER v. to filter again.
REFLOWEREDreflowered v. Simple past tense and past participle of reflower.
REFLOWER v. to flower again.
REFORESTEDreforested v. Simple past tense and past participle of reforest.
REFOREST v. to replant with trees.
REOFFENDERreoffender n. A repeat offender; someone who reoffends, who commits a crime on more than one occasion.
REOFFENDER n. one who reoffends.
REVERIFIEDreverified v. Simple past tense and past participle of reverify.
REVERIFY v. to verify again.
UNREFEREEDunrefereed adj. Not judged by a formal referee.
unrefereed adj. Of a journal article: not reviewed before being printed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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