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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing 2D, E, N, O, P and S

DECAPODANSdecapodans n. Plural of decapodan.
DECAPODAN n. a decapod.
DENDROPHISDENDROPHIS n. a snake of the genus Dendrophis, a tree snake.
DESPONDENTdespondent adj. In low spirits from loss of hope or courage.
DESPONDENT adj. feeling or showing extreme discouragement.
DESPONDINGdesponding v. Present participle of despond.
desponding adj. That causes despondency; disheartening.
desponding n. A feeling or expression of despondency.
DISPONDEESdispondees n. Plural of dispondee.
DISPONDEE n. a double spondee; a foot consisting of four long syllables.
DROPSONDESdropsondes n. Plural of dropsonde.
DROPSONDE n. a radiosonde dropped by parachute.
INDISPOSEDindisposed adj. Mildly ill.
indisposed adj. Not disposed, predisposed, or inclined; unwilling.
indisposed adj. Not yet ready (especially with regard to receiving a visitor) because not yet arranged into a state…
PANDOWDIESpandowdies n. Plural of pandowdy.
PANDOWDY n. a deep pie or pudding made of baked apples, or of sliced bread and apples baked together, with no bottom crust.
PERDENDOSIperdendosi n. (Music) A gradual fading away.
PERDENDOSI adv. (Italian) slowing and softening at the same time, also PERDENDO.
SPUNBONDEDspunbonded adj. (Of a fabric) Composed of extruded spun filaments bonded together in a random manner.
SPUNBONDED adj. of or relating to a nonbonded polymeric material that resembles cloth or fabric.
UNDISPOSEDundisposed adj. Not disposed; uninclined.
undisposed adj. Not sold, allocated, or otherwise arranged.
UNDISPOSED adj. not disposed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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