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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 19 ten-letter words containing 2D, E, I, L, S and T

DEADLIGHTSdeadlights n. Plural of deadlight.
dead-lights n. Plural of dead-light.
DEADLIGHT n. a strong shutter, made to fit open ports and keep out water in a storm.
DELTOIDEUSdeltoideus adj. Like a triangle, triangular.
deltoideus n. The deltoideus muscle.
DELTOIDEUS n. the deltoid muscle.
DENTALISEDdentalised v. Simple past tense and past participle of dentalise.
DENTALISE v. to make (a sound) dental, also DENTALIZE.
DIGESTEDLYdigestedly adv. In a digested or well-arranged manner; methodically.
DIGESTEDLY adv. (obsolete) in neat order.
DISLOCATEDdislocated v. Simple past tense and past participle of dislocate.
dislocated adj. Out of place; in a place other than is usual.
dislocated adj. Disconnected.
DISLUSTREDdislustred v. Simple past tense and past participle of dislustre.
DISLUSTRE v. (archaic) to deprive of lustre.
DISMANTLEDdismantled v. Simple past tense and past participle of dismantle.
DISMANTLE v. to take to pieces.
DISPLANTEDdisplanted v. Simple past tense and past participle of displant.
DISPLANT v. to uproot; to remove from a town or country of settlement.
DISRELATEDdisrelated adj. Unrelated.
DISRELATED adj. not related.
DULCITUDESdulcitudes n. Plural of dulcitude.
DULCITUDE n. sweetness.
ESTRILDIDSestrildids n. Plural of estrildid.
ESTRILDID n. any member of a genus of oscinine birds, the weaver-finches.
FLOODTIDESfloodtides n. Plural of floodtide.
flood-tides n. Plural of flood-tide.
flood␣tides n. Plural of flood tide.
LADDERIESTLADDERY adj. of stockings, laddered.
MIDDELSKOTMIDDELSKOT n. (South African) an intermediate payment to a farmer for a crop or wool-clip.
MIDDLEMOSTmiddlemost adj. Nearest to the exact middle; midmost.
MIDDLEMOST adj. being in the middle, or nearest the middle, also MIDMOST.
MULTISIDEDmultisided adj. Having multiple sides.
MULTISIDED adj. having many sides.
TOLUIDIDEStoluidides n. Plural of toluidide.
TOLUIDIDE n. a chemical deriving from toluene.
TWIDDLIESTtwiddliest adj. Superlative form of twiddly: most twiddly.
TWIDDLY adj. having many turns.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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